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t1_j3a0vrt wrote

  1. Depends. Very expensive, high cost of living, politicized schools.

  2. Community was better but getting worse with time. Similar to laurel

  3. Avoid the area around the mall.

  4. See above, politicized

  5. Rockville is probably a 45 min commute with rush hour

6.People aren’t nearly as friendly as they are in central PA. Stores barely have employees. Lack of culture

  1. Overpriced for no reason. Bad food options. Trending downwards

t1_j3a4vrv wrote

  1. We've lived in Columbia for 8 years and purposefully chose it because of it's diversity. We are a multiracial family and wanted to raise our kids in diverse place. It's extremely kid/family friendly.
  2. Regardless of what people say, Columbia is safe and a great place to live. That being said, the area around the mall may be less family friendly.
  3. School system is excellent. One of the best in the country.
  4. My company is based in Rockville and I work from home. I would not want to commute there.
  5. The Columbia Association

t1_j3a5yra wrote

  1. Yes, very. It’s an extremely wholesome and family friendly place to live.

  2. People don’t necessarily have strong opinions about Columbia.

  3. No, it’s the safest city in America for the Seventh year in a row.

  4. Columbia itself actually doesn’t have a school system. That’s because it doesn’t have a city government. Howard county is the body that serves Columbia with Police, fire and rescue, utilities, and schools. That being said, the schools are all very good. Some are better than others. You’ll probably notice that RHHS or “River Hill High School” is highly rated, but I’ve gone there, and it’s garbage. Take my word for it. All the other schools are pretty good though.

  5. It’ll take from 45 min. to an hour

  6. Columbia is a very tightly knit community, so try getting to know your neighbors. Also, get a Columbia association membership. The Columbia association is a private organization that operates inside Columbia. They own pools, parks, gyms, etc. A membership will give you access to all of those things year round (including pools).

  7. Some people can be entitled and/or pretentious.


t1_j3a6rdc wrote

I commute to Rockville, only once a week. It’s 40 minutes each way. Mall area to Shady Grove & 270.


t1_j3a7fuj wrote

>Avoid the area around the mall.


What, like the Lakefront, Merriweather Post Pavilion and Symphony Woods? Am I missing something? That's where all the cultural events, festivals, and summer concerts are. That whole area by the lake with the playground, Whole Foods, yoga studio, and bike trail to Central Library is literally the most family friendly area in town.

The mall itself is pretty nice too. Just very crowded on weekends and traffic can be infuriating.


t1_j3akieq wrote

I just moved from State College to Columbia! Welcome!


t1_j3aqc5n wrote

  1. Yes but do is many places in Montgomery Co.
  2. Diversity and good schools.
  3. No because each village has its problem areas.
  4. Schools are great compared to others areas but Montgomery county also has great schools.
  5. No, I would not commute to MontyCounty because the traffic and time spent commuting can be long.
  6. Find a place in Montgomery County to live. One accident can have you on the road for hours.
  7. Living in Maryland is very expensive. If the place is reasonably priced it’s probably not a good place or they are older communities.

I am a 4th generation Columbian and while I love it here, I also see changes that are not good. It’s becoming a small and crowded city. New homes and apartments are popping up everywhere. No real place for teenagers to go so they hang out everywhere. Check the schools based on where you are moving, they are not all great.


t1_j3b082o wrote

I was raised here and born at the local hospital, as well as my children. My wife and I made the decision to move back in this area specifically for the school system. If you have any questions feel free to dm me too.

  1. Definitely a good place to raise kids, but it's definitely car heavy to get to places for kids/teens. Regardless of where you live all that will be around will be the numerous trails and walking spots, but if you want to go to the mall, Centennial, any of the farms, bowling, etc you'd need to drive there to get there. Scouts? Driving. Horseback riding? Driving. You'll be able to find pretty much any activity and/or sport, but there is no guarantee that they'll be remotely next to each other in Howard County.

  2. Columbia is known as one of the bluest spots in MD, and also known for Merriweather, which hosts pretty big artists as a small venue. The Lumineers, blink 182, OAR, Kenny Chesney, Weezer, Metallica, Pearl Jam, etc have performed there and is a big place to go for a small venue concert. Columbia is also known as the city pretty much in the middle of Baltimore and DC, and for being nice.

  3. Not really areas to avoid per se but definitely parts exist like all cities that aren't as nice at certain times of day. Wilde Lake (as the actual lake) is asking for trouble at night. Some gas stations as well (Long Reach village center) are sketchy. However I've never felt unsafe in those areas in fearing for my life, and I'm a minority.

  4. School system is arguably the reason why house pricing is so high in this area. K-12 are some of the best in the state and the high schools can compete against the best in the nation and the "best" for the high schools are considered some of the best in the country. Even the "worst" schools are still really, really good educationally (Wilde Lake has been this school historically, iirc.)

  5. Rockville is dependent on how close you are to 95 and which part of Columbia you're in, and if you're willing to pay tolls down if that works for your area of work. You will 100% hit traffic down and up if you work a typical work schedule 9-5. Expect that drive to be 45 min to an hour on a bad day or with rain.

  6. Are you ok with living in a liberal area? Are you also ok with having to drive everywhere to do most things? Does the cost of living in Columbia warrant the location for you? There are a ton of adult clubs and activities that exist, and same for kids.

  7. As a kid I hated being able to only play outside at the park/with friends, and that's pretty much it. I was at the whims of my parents to take me to the library (which btw is a great resource for not only books, but they have an up to date DVD collection as well), mall, lake or bowling alley. That's really the only places to go in Columbia to do as a kid.


t1_j3b3leu wrote

  1. Columbia was designed specifically for families, to the point that it primarily caters to households with children. It has one of the top public school systems, miles of walking/biking trails with numerous tot lots/playgrounds, tons of parks, and various programs for youth.
  2. (Whether correct or not...) Positive outsider views of Columbia include good neighborhoods, low crime/high safety, highly diverse and inclusive, good job opportunities, and good schools. Negative outsider views might include high cost-of-living, classist (caters to the wealthy), nepotism in government and quasi-government authorities, and too many HOAs.
  3. The "worst" spots of Columbia are usually specific communities rather than whole areas, and even then they still rate lower in crime and safety concerns than state or averages. There are a lot of naysayers pining for an illusionary past when Columbia was safer, but fact remains the per capita rate has been declining since the '80s and '90s.
    1. The "worst" zip code in Columbia is 21046, which is essentially the southern and southeast portions of the city. Even then, most of the neighborhoods are fine, and the overall crime is 44% below the national average, with violent crimes 51% less and property crime 18% less (most of which is because of problems with theft).
  4. As mentioned, Howard County has one of the top public school systems, with the majority of the county budget dedicated to education. Although many of the top schools in the state are here, there will be some that aren't as good as others. Even then, usually the "worst" schools are comparable to the average schools in nearby counties. The main issue with schools is overcrowding, particularly in Columbia, which they're trying to fix with building a new school and further redistricting. Still, many people move to the county specifically to have their kids graduate from Howard County schools.
  5. If you're commuting to Rockville, you'll want to get an EZPass and use the ICC (toll road). It will easily shave 15 minutes off your drive (one-way) but even then, you'll have to prepare for traffic. Estimates are 30-45 minutes to Rockville using the ICC, so you have to prepare for the higher number.
  6. Be prepared if you're not used to living in a major city. Although unincorporated, and technically a suburb, Columbia has over 100,000 people (and that's not including the adjacent towns). Many people complaining about traffic, crime, noise, etc. never lived anywhere but quiet towns; in contrast, those coming from big cities, more urban counties, or truly rough towns see Columbia as a paradise. It depends on what you're used to and what your expectations for "nice" are.
  7. I find the town's classist elements very off-putting. Local politics are rife with the "liberal elite" and "champagne socialists" who pat themselves on the back for promoting progressive ideals, but then never provide support for the many families who make less than six figures. Worse, some of these same people who proclaim to support diversity and inclusion then support county laws or local movements that hinder actual change and assistance. There's a lot of hypocrisy from those who talk a lot but do little, and you'll even find these NIMBYs using the same dog whistles as bigots and nationalists, all in the name of ensuring their property values remain high.

t1_j3b6m1w wrote

OP, I wouldn't take anything this guy said seriously. He shits on Columbia every chance he can get.

Recent posts include complaining about the lack of Christmas lights in Columbia and the "lack of culture" (which is incredibly laughable and completely untrue)


t1_j3c1j86 wrote

I commute to Rockville every day but my shift is on the earlier side. Takes about 35 both ways, not as terrible as people are saying on my experience


t1_j3cc01p wrote

OP, I wouldn’t take anything justin says seriously. He just comments about fantasy land and never reality. If you want the truth, I’m the guy to deliver it. If you want fantasy and make believe, ask Justin he’s your guy.


t1_j3cueo3 wrote

  1. Yes. In fact, one of the best places to raise a family in the country.

  2. It really depends on who you ask. If you ask people from outside of Howard County, they will probably say “rich,” “expensive,” and “bougie.” People from the most expensive enclaves within Howard County where nearly every house is a $900k+ McMansion might call Columbia “sketchy,” and that’s only because people in Howard County are extremely sheltered from blighted areas, as the county doesn’t have any areas like that. One time someone told me that Elkridge is Howard County’s version of Glen Burnie, which is a ridiculous statement when the median household income in Elkridge is well above $100k, the poverty rate in Glen Burnie is much much higher, and the economic activity is much lower.

So, long story short, because Howard County is highly affluent and has little poverty compared to other areas, even upper-middle-class towns get called “sketchy” on the occasion cause the residents don’t know what true poverty and blight looks like. Columbia is a thriving upper-middle-class area with good socio-economic diversity. Columbia is the type of place where you can have a $700k single family home right next to a row of townhomes or apartments. Take a drive through Phelps Luck, and you’ll see large brand new $1M+ McMansions on Arnolds Ct, older but cute $600k colonials on matured streets, townhomes, and apartments all on the same street.

  1. No, not really.

  2. The school system Columbia belongs to (Howard County Public Schools) is one of the best in the entire country, and (along with Montgomery County Public Schools) is the best school system in all of Maryland. The biggest reason families move to Columbia and the rest of Howard County is for their public schools.

  3. It is, but I would add an extra ten to fifteen minutes on that commute due to traffic during rush hour. However, there are other areas in Howard County that could provide a shorter commute to Rockville which you should also consider—such as Laurel, Fulton, Maple Lawn, Clarksville, and Glenwood.

  4. I don’t live in Columbia, but I’m in the area often and know a lot about it. From what I hear among residents of Columbia, the Columbia Association (which maintains the numerous parks and recreation spaces Columbia has to offer) can be pretty hefty in price. Another common complaint is that there’s bad traffic in the area.


t1_j3cv7oy wrote

If I had to do it all over again, I would never pick Howard County. Schools are bursting at the seams. Do your own research outside of social media to get facts, not feelings. High school 13 is being built and there will be a huge redistricting (although many will deny this or try to down play it).

We have a CE who is funded by developers and they are throwing homes up on every square inch without the infrastructure to support it. He was just re-elected, sadly.

Traffic and congestion is terrible. That commute to work will be at least an hour. Each way.

Crime is also high in certain areas (the fake 'safest city' survey is funded by developers and top criteria is percentage vaccinated and probability of natural disaster.

It is very diverse and the parks are nice but so many other negatives. Please do your own research.


t1_j3cvdqa wrote

If I had to do it all over again, I would never pick Howard County. Schools are bursting at the seams. Do your own research outside of social media to get facts, not feelings. High school 13 is being built and there will be a huge redistricting (although many will deny this or try to down play it).

We have a CE who is funded by developers and they are throwing homes up on every square inch without the infrastructure to support it. He was just re-elected, sadly.

Traffic and congestion is terrible. That commute to work will be at least an hour. Each way.

Crime is also high in certain areas (the fake 'safest city' survey is funded by developers and top criteria is percentage vaccinated and probability of natural disaster.

It is very diverse and the parks are nice but so many other negatives. Please do your own research.


t1_j3d3k58 wrote

People are rude and stuck up, the workload is extremely heavy, and it’s so ‘clicky’. If you don’t make friends in the first few weeks, you’re screwed. And if you make friends with table-mates, you’ll lose them after the first quarter because teachers just love moving seats around every quarter, or sooner.


t1_j3d50yo wrote

To be honest, Columbia seems(from what I can tell) to have a great balance of schools for the kids, commute time to my potential job, and acceptable housing prices(however, coming from central PA, most of Maryland seems vastly expensive). I think those would be my top 3 interests; Safety, Schools, housing prices. I checked up the 270(the towns stemming off of it going NW away from Rockville) and most things seemed to be atleast 500k. I found multiple very nice options in Columbia in the 400s.


t1_j3dfu81 wrote

I like Columbia, but probably dislike driving more than most, and I wouldn't want to do the commute from Columbia to Rockville. That's almost 7 hours per week of your life spent in a car. 300 hours per year wasted! An extra 17% longer work day, for no pay.. No thanks.


t1_j3e3z07 wrote

Did your GPS take you there on the icc/200? It's a toll road so it'll add up driving there and back. Though, if it's off-peak hours, it'll be the cheaper rate. Police are always on it too.


t1_j3fldgw wrote

"Please do your own research", but completely misunderstood the safest city survey. Less than 5 points out of 100 are COVID related. 30 points out of 100 are natural disaster related (and we are more prone to flooding/hurricanes/tornados than many other regions, so we must have scored pretty damn well in terms of home/financial safety).

Sure, development definitely needs to be slowed, but Kittleman wouldn't have done a damn thing about it (only Liz Walsh and Deb Jung actually care).

Redistricting is also necessary when done correctly. A lot of the complaints come from those who want their child to go to a specific school when there are one or two others that are closer.


t1_j3guv3u wrote

The damage to this county has been done. I said nothing great about Kittleman and stand by my statements about Ball, overcrowded schools, and poor infrastructure. I also forgot to add bus driver and bus shortage (as a county, we don't own buses and contract out for drivers) so many areas are doing double bus runs. Not unique to HOCO, but something to be aware of.

Take a look at the daily crime reports put out by the HOCO police department. I stand by my assessment of the safest city survey put out by Wallet hub 🙄

Redistricting won't be done correctly either as our BOE and CE are open to bribes to keep polygons from moving schools (polygon 147 donated a pile of cash and didn't get moved in 2018) The 2018 redistricting did nothing to help over crowding (nor did it do much in redistributing the FARM numbers...).

I did read a comment about a small group of woke liberals running the show here and that is very true. Anyone who has any different view or idea is deemed a racist anti LGBTQ asshole. Take those who support neighborhood schools (trying to keep kids as close to their homes as possible) - that is a very racist idea. The next round of redistricting will be epic. The worst is yet to come here.

Also, don't go near the mall after dark. The main event at the mall is now filled with cops once the sun goes down waiting for the next shooting or robbery. No thanks.


t1_j3gxysn wrote

  1. I always look at the crime reports. At the end of the day, violent crime decreased quite significantly under Ball. You can "stand by" your comments about crime, but you can also accept that you were spreading misinformation about the WalletHub report. It's ironic considering you claim to "do your own research".

  2. You must have missed the incendiary comments the last time redistricting was a topic of discussion. There were many racist comments made: Like I mentioned before, many of those that promote neighborhood schools have 2 or 3 schools that are equidistant from their place of residence. They often gravitate towards one that is actually further away from the closest school due to preference of school "reputation", or they prefer the legacy school. "Pay to play" is a disgusting practice as well, but many that promote neighborhood schools are essentially doing just this: their voices become loudest as they continuously complain about how such redistricting will impact their property values. Fussing over the BOE is funny considering you've promoted Carroll County schools in the past (which has far-right members that are for banning books). At the end of the day, HoCo has FAR better schools than Carroll or Anne Arundel and consistently ranks at the top at the state level and near the top in the country.

We need more progressive county leaders like Walsh and Jung and fewer Neoliberals and Republicans (Yungmann) that cater to developers and the rich.