Submitted by goliebs t3_109lzt5 in ColumbiaMD

Lakey Boyd said the recent "plan" given to her by the CA Board makes her unable to effectively perform her duties. As a result she asked to be transitioned out of CA.

This is devastating for the community. I feel particularly bad for Lakey and the CA Staff who have done so much recently.

The board of directors has been a massive failure and an embarrassment to our community.



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rkdwd t1_j3z4tkl wrote

Not surprising at all based on ::literally everything::

Looks like the 12th is going to be fun.


abbygirl t1_j3z6wl7 wrote

So as a resident, how do I attend these CA meetings? Is it a zoom meeting or do I have to go somewhere in person?


AKnitWit777 t1_j3z74f6 wrote

Can’t wait to see the CA Board go after the next CA President. /s

Seriously, people, when the board elections come up, vote.


goliebs OP t1_j3z7rit wrote

You can attend virtually or in person. To be allowed to speak, you needed to have signed up by 5:00 PM earlier today.

To be honest though, I have no idea how the board will handle resident's speak out tomorrow. I imagine it will be heated and expect people who didn't sign up in advance will demand to speak anyways.


goliebs OP t1_j3z7z0v wrote

And consider encouraging your village board to try and recall your CA Rep if you live in Dorsey Search, Oakland Mills, River Hill, Town Center, or Harper's Choice.

And if you live in King's Contrivance, make sure your village board appoints someone who supports Ms. Boyd.


abbygirl t1_j3z8kbh wrote

Oh it’s gonna be a shitshow. I’m gonna tune in tomorrow just to see what everyone else has been saying. I’ve been following this through the posts on this subreddit, I hate that Boyd is being pushed out, it seems like she was trying to make changes at CA.


rkdwd t1_j3zaart wrote

I can’t wait for Boyd to sue CA for wrongful termination, win a literal lake full of money, and a bunch of CA amenities go away for lack of funding, impacting all residents, and cause dues to increase, while the 10 or whatever board members who caused all of this literally face zero consequences.


goliebs OP t1_j3zc65x wrote

CA provides a whole bunch of services and amenities to Columbia. Columbia Association offers a vast array of recreational, cultural and community services.
CA maintains nearly 3,600 acres of open space as a permanent asset for residents. Neighborhood amenities include lakes, parks, tot lots, basketball and tennis courts and 95 miles of walking, jogging and biking pathways. Gyms, outdoor pools, after school programs for kids, art center, Columbia archives, etc.

The board has never explained why they are treating her like they are which is a major part of the problem. But its because they don't understand how a volunteer board of directors should properly oversee a professionally run organization and instead have been trying to micromanage her and the rest of the staff - she pushed back on those efforts and they responded negatively.


Sonofabase t1_j40y07v wrote

Absolute bollocks. I can’t believe it. Evil wins again.


Super_Bag_2403 t1_j41ep8j wrote

So what did she do to get so many of the board against her?


goliebs OP t1_j41ogmm wrote

The board hasn’t said which, itself, is part of the problem. They are supposed to represent and talk with their neighbors not act in secrecy.

Long answer:

TLDR: the board doesn’t understand their role, has tried to micromanage Lakey, and she has pushed back on those attempts.


TheChiefRedditor t1_j426ppi wrote

Im so conflicted. I want to upvote you because you are probably right. But i want to downvote you because of how disgusted the fact you are probably right about this makes me feel. Here's an upvote anyway.


thePunisher2086 t1_j42dmg3 wrote

I am new. Are the board directors up for vote? And who can vote them in/out? I mean if they aren't transparent then they need to go. I have not paid attention to this but I think I should.


goliebs OP t1_j42fhsa wrote

The elections are in late April but most (all?) villages have voting online and/or mail-in voting throughout most of April. Candidate applications are made available at the beginning of March and are typically due in mid March. The exact dates for all of this vary from village to village and the villages are pretty good about communicating the details.

Three villages (Owen Brown, Harper's Choice, and Town Center) have two year terms with the CA Reps up for election in even years. Seven CA reps are up for election in 2023:

• ⁠Long Reach • ⁠River Hill • ⁠Oakland Mills • ⁠Kings Contrivance • ⁠Hickory Ridge • ⁠Dorsey Search • ⁠Wilde Lake

Local leaders have also started petitions to recall five of the CA Board members most opposed to Ms. Boyd. So if you live in Oakland Mills, Dorsey, Harper’s, River Hill, or Town Center you can consider contacting your village board and asking them to recall your CA rep.


goliebs OP t1_j42k43v wrote

Maybe but that’s not my interpretation.

She very clearly didn’t “resign.” I believe she is saying “The ‘plan’ the board presented me is a breach of my contract. If you want a president to follow it, find a different president and be prepared for a lawsuit.”

I could be wrong.


krunkley t1_j42l8p2 wrote

She is asking to be transitioned out of her position, technically not even saying she is resigning just asking to set up a transition plan. The article even goes into how this is a tactical move so that if the board reversed course she can stay in her position


mynamesafad t1_j42ltw6 wrote

As a resident of one of the communities where the board member is working against Boyd, when and how do I run against my member?


goliebs OP t1_j42yjbr wrote

You should contact your village manager for specifics. But generally speaking, you will be able to pick up a candidates packet from your community center in early March. It will outline some requirements (like getting ten signatures) to submit your candidacy. You will need to submit that packet by around March 20. Then the election will be in April.

The specifics vary from village to village. Again just reach out to the staff at your community center for the specifics for your village.


goliebs OP t1_j42yqnq wrote

I’ll also add that, if there are multiple challengers to an incumbent, please talk with the other challengers and consider bowing out of the race. You don’t want to split the opposition vote.