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packofpoodles t1_je5aims wrote

You should definitely hear from people in those districts but larger towns tend to offer more services, so Trumbull might be better in this regard than Easton or Weston.


Viceversa10 t1_je5jei4 wrote

I can only speak for Monroe since I grew up and went to school there. They have a very very good special needs curriculum and amazing paraprofessionals from k-8. Highschool I don't recall much about their special needs programs.


One-Awareness-5818 t1_je5mil0 wrote

You need hear from parents who are currently in the system with kids in the special education program. Join the Facebook group by searching CT family special needs network and ask in the group. It will give you better results. Also be more specific with what type of accomodations your child will need


purpleflagbook t1_je5rbiz wrote

I think in this case Darien but I would reach out to them specifically. The state is required to educate your child-in my town (new Canaan) if the school is not able to-you will receive vouchers for a private special education based school. New Canaan has a ton of interventions and help for autistic children.


TriStateGirl t1_je5sjd5 wrote

Trumbull. I grew up there. I'm 30 now, and not special needs, but the program seemed nice growing up. As far as I know it's still great.


LectureUnable t1_je65kgd wrote

Just FYI- Easton will be in “Easton/Redding/Region 9” if looking for specific information on their Special Services! Good luck ❤️


obsoletevernacular9 t1_je7ua73 wrote

Trumbull has a well known early childhood center with integrated preschool.

I don't live there but have two autistic kids and am moving back to CT. It's known for having better sped programming.