As a CT native who moved to the south it is actually pretty funny when I see people trying to say y’all there. It sounds really unnatural and forced lmao. I’m in my late 20s and as a kid and even a young adult you would absolutely be made fun of (not bullying just teasing) for saying y’all. Times seem to be changing. The only instance where it’s historically natural is when used by some African American people, as AAVE is obviously linguistically distinct and that’s different. That being said language is constantly evolving and it is moving into the overall national parlance.
But people not from the north often don’t use y’all as southerners would. I notice people not from the region will use it sparingly and in conjunction with more northern phrases. Northerners also never tend to use different types of y’all’s like y’all’s or y’alls, or even you all. So in that sense it’s funny because people are trying to adapt it, but don’t have the experience of just how many ways one can use y’all and just how often it is used down here. A southerner would also never say you guys lmao.
So you guys can clown this guy all you want, but they do have a point about it being an unusual phenomenon of recent nature.
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