Chemical_Ad7629 t1_jcmmydp wrote
Don’t bring my beloved civic into this. It takes at least 4 minutes to get it up to three digits.
zDEFEKT t1_jcmuxyg wrote
0-60 in 3 business days
tenuousgriponreality t1_jcp4xdw wrote
0-60 in yes
DingDong50001 t1_jcmsnwu wrote
It’s the Acuras that are the real menace!
yankeeinparadise t1_jcoo0oe wrote
Heyyy my TLX rarely gets over 70 these days.
JuiceOld5801 OP t1_jcmu7yv wrote
It’s ok my POS Cruze is behind ya
MysteriousMusic1372 t1_jcn0o3e wrote
Speed never killed anyone. Its the sudden stop
tigole_biddies t1_jcnn4rk wrote
Thank you. We civics have had enough of the slander. We are no longer fast and loud. We are slow and reliable.
Striking-Trainer8148 t1_jcoqzfr wrote
Neither fast , nor furious.
lemmegetadab t1_jcosnxn wrote
They always were slow, they just have race variations and people make adjustments to them.
psyco-the-rapist t1_jcmtfzs wrote
How many minutes to stop?
othermegan t1_jcnu3br wrote
Unless it’s a mugen. But I doubt that’s the car in question
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