blade-runner9 t1_jcoo34v wrote
You watch what happens next. I bet speed cameras are coming and they will mail you a ticket. All thanks to these aholes.
Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcp9w7d wrote
I'd be fine with that, don't see why reasonable people should object. They should set the cameras to automatically ticket the top 5% of offenders or something like that, so everyone who wants to cruise at 75 is fine but the assholes cutting in and out at 90+ get nailed and eventually lose their licenses
20+ over the speed limit, you should lose the right to use public roads
Amity83 t1_jcpb3pc wrote
They have to be able to prove who was driving. Also, speed obviously exacerbates bad outcomes from collisions, but IMO the more dangerous activity is all the tailgating and weaving. High speed collision are worse, but tailgating and weaving causes more collisions.
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