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TituspulloXIII t1_je09vpl wrote

You can reuse traps you know.

Unless you are somehow killing hundreds of mice, how are you going through a big box?

I live in the woods too and just use these:

They say disposable, but they can easily be reset. Each trap has killed dozens of mice.


iguessimtheITguynow t1_je0hjui wrote

We use the cheapo wooden ones and they almost always absolutely destroy the mice, blood and guts everywhere.

I used to try to reuse them but the trigger plates often need to be re-bent which is gross to do when they covered in gibs.

That, or it doesn't kill them all the way so it's easier just to toss the whole contraption.


TituspulloXIII t1_je0izzq wrote

If that's your experience with the cheap wooden ones.

Just grab a couple of these and give them a shot. Walk into any home improvement store and they likely have them and they are only like $6.

It's a very clean kill, I've never had to worry about cleaning up blood or guts from the floor.