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SkokieRob t1_jdsvgld wrote

Reply to comment by kimwim43 in Dumplings. Chinese dumplings. by kimwim43

Fwiw I didn’t downvote you (or anyone on this thread). Until I tried making them I didn’t know how easy it was; I thought you might be in the same boat.


kimwim43 OP t1_jdsxfo8 wrote

I'm sorry. I haven't had luck with anything on reddit. I always here "go to reddit, ask there, they're the BEST people to ask for help for anything, you'll always get an answer.".

Well, I never get an answer.

I usually get mocked. And end up deleting my questions. Not always, but enough, because I don't need to be trashed so often. I've made dumplings, but it gets so damned tiring to always have to 'make' what other people can just go into a fucking restaurant and just fucking order, and eat. Onions and the family are in EVERY FUCKING THING. In the coating on fucking french fries. In the spaghetti sauce in the lasagna. In the spice they sprinkle on every freaking Nardelli sub. I can't eat at any place without making a special order. and you know? It gets tiring after a while. like, peanuts? fine. Keep out of Thai restaurant. You can't do that with an allium allergy. Just once I'd love to order in a restaurant, and not have to ask the waiter 'Does it have onions in it?" and he has to say, let me check. And then I have to say, if it does, can I have that instead?

I'm sorry. I don't mean to unload. It just came out. .You get whatever gold or whatever I can do. I have no idea. Sorry.


SkokieRob t1_jduurpm wrote

Hey - no worries! I’m sorry your Reddit experience hasn’t been great. It may be that some of your questions are just hard!

I think your question is a good one - I understand your plight but don’t have any other good suggestions.


kimwim43 OP t1_jduyv48 wrote


AND I tried to give gold, a medal, or whatever it is these days reddit lets people give, and I don't have anything to give!

So you get a hug. It's the best this old lady can do. Again. sorry you were the wall upon I which I threw my rant. Thank you for the gracious catch.