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essaitchthrowaway3 t1_je0gk1s wrote

Obviously you are purposefully trying to be obtuse, but I'll just leave this here:

Just because something isn't called a "tax" that doesn't mean it isn't.

Talked to a friend who lives down South and EVERY goddamn little thing is another nickle-and-dime fee. His property taxes might be lower, but when you include all the other fees that he has to pay, he's no better off than folks in CT.

But looking at the big picture takes a little more time and effort than spewing out a 5 second sound-byte of "TaXeS Is BaD!1!!!!1!!".


ioncloud9 t1_je29iom wrote

Our sales tax is 10%. My property taxes were $2100 last year on a 2700sq ft house. Car registration was 320 last year for a midsize crossover suv.


essaitchthrowaway3 t1_je2di4a wrote

No idea where "our" is because CT sales tax is 6.35% and car registration is $40/year (120/3 years).


ioncloud9 t1_je2g70p wrote

Down south. State sales tax is 6% but localities can add their own sales taxes. My county has 4% on top of the state sales tax.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_je2y71o wrote

Near impossible to find 2100 annual property taxes anywhere nice in CT!


ioncloud9 t1_je319kx wrote

Yeah I know. When my parents sold their house they were paying $10k a year in property taxes.


usernamedunbeentaken t1_je4qv53 wrote

My in laws are in a low tax state. Any fees they pay are a tiny fraction of the incremental taxes we pay here. They are astonished at the taxes we pay here and don't have incremental fees that come close to making up the difference.


Quintus-of-Endrim t1_je8xxrb wrote

I took the liberty of looking at your profile. Someone married you?! Does he/she/they have all his/her/their teeth!? Because you strike me as the sort of person who can't figure out how to work a tooth brush.


Quintus-of-Endrim t1_je8y4vs wrote

I'm saying you're stupid. I wasn't sure if you'd be able to diagram that sentence.