Deep web maybe? Its a bit sketchy so I wouldnt recommend unless you know how to use it. I cant remember where my friends used to get theirs. Ask your friends. As for places that accept them? I highly doubt anyone will tell you on reddit lol. Its kinda a luck of the draw getting in. Bars near colleges are more likely to card especially if you look young but honestly I see more underage people in those said bars.
When I was younger there was a Chinese jewelery store in hartford called Gold Plus that would make them for you but they closed down and now I'm old lol
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[deleted] t1_jdyehjg wrote
Deep web maybe? Its a bit sketchy so I wouldnt recommend unless you know how to use it. I cant remember where my friends used to get theirs. Ask your friends. As for places that accept them? I highly doubt anyone will tell you on reddit lol. Its kinda a luck of the draw getting in. Bars near colleges are more likely to card especially if you look young but honestly I see more underage people in those said bars.