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Fappiness-isawarmgun t1_jeedpuy wrote

Because politics constantly comes up on this sub dog. People can't help themselves. Gotta bash the red folk as often as they can because if you ain't blue you aint liked round here. This sub is an echo chamber of Rpolitics


Masty1985 t1_jeee4l5 wrote

Ohh I see ... Well I ain't blue or red, burn them both to the ground... I'll see myself out.


Fappiness-isawarmgun t1_jeeehuu wrote

That's cool friend. On this sub someone could post a picture of a dog and someone would be like "cute dog but if it lived in Idaho it'd be the ugliest dog ever. I HaTe rEd StAtEs I WoUlD nEvEr LiVe iN sUcH a PlAcE" lol no lie man thats Rconnecticut for ya. That's how insane these Gen Z kids are


Masty1985 t1_jeeepaq wrote

That's hilarious. What a bunch of losers. Meanwhile all the people in red states say the exact same shit about them! LoL and a round and round we go. No one will ever convince me the horseshoe theory isn't reality.