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vitalvisionary t1_jdhwpym wrote

I grew up with a lot of racism light. Unfortunately calling them out doesn't always work on its own merits. You get a lot of "I was just kidding!" or "No one can joke around anymore!" I have found the most effective way to counter this is to attack their maturity. I tell them that poopy jokes are funny to little kids, then they grow up and make sexist/homophobic jokes during puberty, and racist jokes in hight school. It all about being edgy to higher and higher degrees. More mature kids don't even need to make these jokes, it's just the ones with with lingering insecurity, needing to take someone else down a peg to feel better about themselves.

Just a joke? Grow up and learn that there are consequences for not being a responsible adult.

This does not work for the hardcore adherents though. Those are the ones that don't cite humor as a retort but start reciting "facts" about certain races or gender identity, etc. I would recommend The Alt-right Playbook on YouTube and street epistemology for the fully brainwashed. The best you can do is learn their tactics and how to dismantle them.

Edit: Seems I triggered a lot of people with this comment. Did I strike a nerve?


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_jdi22uh wrote

Well said. Thanks for adding context and resources. As Mr. Rogers said, look for the helpers. It’s nice to know you are here to help.


vitalvisionary t1_jdi2f86 wrote

I've seen Connecticut make some amazing changes since I was a scared little kid being tormented for being different. I would like to continue that work so no one has to grow up like I did.