Submitted by coastal_girl14 t3_122kbpt in Connecticut
Has anyone heard of a multi-car takeover of a CT town before?
Submitted by coastal_girl14 t3_122kbpt in Connecticut
Has anyone heard of a multi-car takeover of a CT town before?
I guess all you have to do is hit the gas if the cops try to pull you over in Simsbury, and you're fine? Seems like it will only encourage more "takeovers".
Pretty sure that's why they don't bother chasing them. Safer to just grab them later at home. Lots of dummies.
Unless you’re black.
Then you actually get pulled over.
Most ineffective cops ever
"refusing to stop... Not going to bother" are you kidding me? Plainville PD would've pit manuevered and started talking shit on social media atm
The roads are winding and most have a speed limit below 35. Having a high speed chase with 200 cars seems deranged. They got plate numbers. The whole thing is bizarre. This had to be planned and staged. What kind of wing nut group does this?
I've seen it with motorcycles and ATVs in New Haven
Indeed. You’d be shocked to know how many drugs get through the town.
Lots of meth.
Are they doing something with those Plate Numbers?
If the worst offense listed in the news story is doing donuts in an empty school parking lot at night....
But they were on two of the flattest and straightest roads in town, the definitely could have pursued them. That and they’ve always been happy to pull people over, it strikes me as very weird that they don’t.
Yeah it’s pretty much guaranteed in Hartford and West Hartford any time the weather gets nice
Gotta give simsbury PD something to do prob one of the most exciting “events” this year …. The cops can’t even “chase” one car that will not pull over, I’m surprised they even left the station for 200
Pit maneuver! Shoot him! Lock her up! Charge them as adults!
The story said this was all happening in a parking lot? I have heard of street takeovers maybe in Wethersfield?
Social media is probably getting large groups of people together like this.
Sometimes I think if THAT many people are interested in doing this sort of thing, maybe we should offer official track type places for them to use/compete in. It might keep them off the real streets.
New sports seem to crop up every so often. I remember when we had no skateboarding parks. Now it is an actual Olympic sport.
Police chase - Why are these LARPers pretending they are in an action movie and endangering everyone by chasing? ACAB
Police don't chase - What lazy, ineffective police. ACAB
If it’s anything like the ones I have seen out West, most of the plates are fake tags that they take off when they drive away.
That is on them to make plans with venues that are able to host them, not on society to make concessions for assholes with a car fetish.
I totally agree. Sometimes I think people do things because it is unlawful? Maybe they love an element of danger? Like even if we did offer some place for them all to go to show off or compete with their cars, ATV's or motorcycles maybe they wouldn't even use it.
Not wrong lol
Bunch of losers driving economy cars pretending to be fast a furious.
The cars are registered, just get them when they’re at home.
could be the cop(s) ran the plate and knew who it was - maybe it was a kid or their parent(s) are a somebody - and decided to let them go, otherwise yah it's not terribly safe to have a high speed chase through the streets of simsbury where a bunch of families with kids live, I should say privileged and entitled families with overzealous helicopter parents who complain about anything and everything like if you fart too loudly in town after 9pm
Yet the punishment for running from police is laughable. Seems incredibly ironic.
We should serve them cookies and tea too.
Up the penalties for these crimes. How is this mob mentality not inherently dangerous to the entire community!? It’s absurd what we tolerate in this country.
I agree! I'm curious who they are...
Next door on the East Granby/Windsor line at Tire Rack every Friday a bunch of people do donuts and shit in the parking lot for hours. It’s an ongoing town debate of “call the cops and shut them down” vs “they’re just having fun, shut up lame-ass”
If tire rack allows it then nobody can really do anything. That warehouse is private property.
It could be worse. Just be glad it’s not Ride of the Century.
Only stopping law abiding citizens now.
Right, that’s what it always comes down to in the end
Lol this is just the beginning...wait until someone gets hurt then everyone is going to be crying why the police are not doing more..when only about 2 years ago everyone wanted to defund them....just wait and watch how this all plays out..
Welcome to California my friends
Idk about now but used to be like this on the Berlin Turnpike at Dunkin or Taco Bell
It used to be over behind FedEx / parts authority/ ups until they got chased out.
Stop voting Blue. It’s really not that hard. CT continues to add gun laws in this. But the offenders with guns are violent felons who get released right away back on the streets. That’s the democrats. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
Where's the fleet of tow trucks that should be on the way to Simsbury?
The car racing in CT is so out of hand. I don’t think I’d really mind it if I didn’t have a child OR if they didn’t fly through our neighborhood at night firing off their exhausts at 2-3AM. Pests. All of em
The police have not been allowed to chase in these situations for 20+ years. This used to happen every Wednesday. They try and corner everyone, get the people who stay, and the rest ran. It has nothing to do with the police bill. This is just the same old thing but in the road and not a parking lot. The only reason they chased before was because when kids died they didnt get in trouble, not because of legality. If they should or shouldn't chase is a different argument, but it's definitely not new or even remotely recent
Do your It's the Dems! The Democrats encourage street racing and all sorts of crime. Nonsense. CT has one of the highest standards of living in the country.
I don’t think it’s been legal here for a long time, And honestly it’s probably better that way, I rather not get creamed by a panicked kid at 100 running from the cops, or the cop in pursuit for that matter.
Wow the police didn't even make an attempt to apprehend them. This is terrifying.
You people will never actually get it. The richest parts of CT are “democrats” but are the most white, most policed, taxed the least, have the best school, have no affordable housing. Does that sound very blue? Idiot.
Almost all the tracks got shut down as people built homes next to them and then complained about the noise. Nowhere to take your car and have fun, nowhere to legally ride off road on an ATV. So they use the streets
That's a bold assumption.
Nothing like hearing a straight piped motorcycle coming home after the bars close. Do Harleys all die if you let off the gas? They always keep revving the engine even when stopped.
Wtf are you talking about?
No discretion here I’m in the group chat for the takeover it’s called CT maniacs I’m just in it for the videos and seeing who I know there but I ain’t got time for that I drift on my own time when it’s safe and not disrupting anyone i volunteer& I got a good job just too much to lose
Hey, thanks for the info.
The cops can't assume they know who is driving without getting a video of the face of the driver I'm pretty sure. Even with plate numbers they can't actually issue a citation to the owner of the vehicle unless they can prove that it was the person behind the wheel. If this many people are involved, I'm sure they also know this information which is why they refused to be pulled over.
Just dont stop?
Rich little arrogant piss ants.
What a crock of bullshit. Police are just saying this to avoid doing their job. Period.
Incorrect. Connecticut has owner liability laws which apply to certain offenses such as evading responsibility, reckless driving, engaging in pursuit, speeding, etc. The registration number is prima facie evidence that the owner was the operator at the time of the offense. Ideally, if the owner was not operating their vehicle, they would tell law enforcement when questioned, but if they refuse to, they can be held criminally liable under CT law (C.G.S. 14-107).
I doubt they're from Simsbury, or even from the surrounding towns. They probably just decided to go there randomly.
Mostly useless. They have to prove the registered owner was driving for either a prosecutor to be willing to prosecute or a judge to be willing to sign a warrant.
Statute says you can, the courts say otherwise, so there is still no point.
Yes and no. When government restrictions become so overbearing there is no possible compliance. Look at limerock. Track has been there forever and people are still moving next door and complaining. Nobody is going to approve a track, no matter how willing and able someone is to build it. Lawmakers should really be mandating tracks, like they have been with bikelanes. Sure, a minority use them, but it will improve the safety of everyone to have the racers in a designated area.
If the car isn't stolen the owner should be responsible as its their car. They can eat the fine/charge or tell police/courts who drove it. If they can't trust someone to own up to their criminal acts in their car then they shouldn't have let them use it.
If someone let someone borrow their gun (not stolen, different circumstances) and then that gun is involved in a crime with no evidence of another driver what should happen to the owner? Are they responsible for their gun?
And you better hope you can prove someone else was driving or that they own up to it..
How many do you think could afford a track car and road car? The majority of these people do it on the street because they want to show off. 20 hears ago it was a bunch of idiots doing shit on the Berlin Turnpike. I say take their licence for 10 years and confiscate their car... Even better if they have a loan on it.
I bike lane doesn't require the same amount of maintenance, oversight, insurance etc.. People also bike to work, the store, appointments etc. A track is purely entertainment. Perhaps they should look for sponsors? Or perhaps these people couldn't afford to use a track or simply wouldnt.
Berlin Turnpike 20 years ago. Just as you said, they didn't chase they just grabbed the ones that actually stopped, often they weren't the same ones acting like assholes but the "audience" encourages them and are usually their friends.
This many people the cops probably were scared. Also don't need dozens of fatal wrecks from recklessly pursuing, and I'm not talking about the drivers deaths but innocent people.
This has gone on for decades.
Where do you go to drift race? I didn't know of any tracks, is it expensive?
Anywhere I can get away with it lol
I wish they would nail all of them for noise complaints. I had a neighbor that would wake me up coming home from the bar at 1am and again before 7am leaving for work. The mother on the other side got so fed up she started pushing his bike over, a lot. I caught her while I was taking my garbage out, Deer in headlights look until I thanked her. Got a few home cooked dinners after that before finally moving.. Just as I thanked her, I'm sure her kids would have if they were old enough to talk more or understand.
I am old enough to remember the Berlin Turnpike dingdongs lol. I think today it is leaning more towards ATV/Motorcycles? Maybe a dedicated ATV type park? I am just trying to think of a way to get these knuckledraggers OFF the real roads lol.
You don't get it we don't want racists, bigots and talibangelists in office.
Found the piggy boot licker.
Oh, so I should have ignored your when its safe lie? Hope you get nailed too. My mistake for thinking you gave a shit about anyone else. At least you used your throw away... Did you throw away the plates you used at this event too?
You’d expect something like this in hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport or Waterbury but… simsbury?!
Yep, I get that. Because this damn rhetoric around this police accountability act is bullshit. Cops are using it as an excuse, and I'm sick of it. Just do your goddamn job professionally, and you'll be fine.
These damn Republicans love to throw anyone under the bus to further their rhetoric, too. They are disgusting maggots.
Why is this happening?
Will it keep going?
Why hasn’t this problem been solved?
It used to but it has been at least 15 years since the Berlin Turnpike was any kind of cruising/street racing scene because the Berlin/Newington police worked hard to shut it down. Many people started going elsewhere in the nearby towns or on streets alongside the Berlin Tpke until they get chased away. It became somewhat easier to find spots when you could organize via web forums and then more recently with everyone having a smartphone.
I ride off road motorcycles on private property. Believe me when I say it will be impossible to get anywhere to ride in CT for a couple of reasons. First we are fairly densely populated and no one really wants any kind of organized motorized sport anywhere in their town because of the noise and dust. Second, people don't like inviting any kind of motorized enthusiast "element" into their town. We are a rather uppity NIMBY state. Third, CT already has laws in place that exempt property owners from lawsuits for anyone using their private property along established trails, however in the 70s these laws were changed to specifically exclude motorcycles and snowmobiles. I would presume ATVs would now fall into this exception. Finally, can you imagine the scene all the hikers and nature lovers would make? They already think any patch of woodland is theirs and pitch a fit when you try to ride mountain bikes or horses or do anything other than walk. Literally you cannot do anything other than hike and bird watch according to this group, they just don't like human activity.
CT, RI and Delaware are the three states who are exempt from Federal law ensuring there is off-road access and entertainment spaces with federal highway funds. This is why there are trails and other places to do off road motorized recreation in Western Mass, New York, Vermont, New Jersey etc. Everyone who has off-road vehicles in CT has to go on private land or out of state. We are taxed for these vehicles but provided no spaces to use them.... oh, and in one town they tried to prohibit kids from riding quads on their own land.
GREAT points! You should post that in a main comment or something. Hidden under my paltry comments it might not get any visibility at all lol
Cmon these cars don’t have license plates
Dollars to donuts the individuals wanting to “express” themselves are vastly fewer than the participation required to justify the costs of making ATV parks or whatever it is you are suggesting.
There’s already an insane number of dirtbikes / quads ripping by the hospitals in new haven. Even if you added areas for taxpayers to “express themselves”, how would they get there? Would they again use the same roads as cars, minus insurance and vehicle registration, while popping wheelies?
The last time a huge crowd of dirtbikers rolled through new haven that I can remember was a few summers ago. And those fuckwits tried to steal police cruisers (unsuccessfully).
Willing to bet most of these cars aren’t registered or insured.
Cars probably aren’t registered or they covered the plates.
We just need more laws to prevent this tragedy from happening. Think of the children.
Don’t worry, the police will protect you
Dang chill out Karen I don’t put fake plates on my car I keep the plates I already got on it, I’m done wasting time talking to you Karen because I don’t have time for it and you are the only person here that has made an effort to reply to every little comment someone has made on this thread and to me that screams I have no life
In fairness more burnouts means more tire purchases so tire rack gets the last laugh
This is your reply on every post. Maybe you should leave the state
FinnbarMcBride t1_jdqkg2m wrote
Hopefully the cops got at least a couple of plate numbers and can follow-up