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Mascbro26 t1_jds7lb2 wrote

Yeah it was an institution but not the best seafood in Hartford. Chosen 1 is good and so is Hook & Reel. Also, The Hungry Crab in West Hartford.


[deleted] t1_jdsfcyg wrote

Old news, but yeah it’s a bummer.


essaitchthrowaway3 t1_jdsumdu wrote

Weren't they looking to move?

I thought the owner said that they were looking for a suitable site to move the restaurant to, but not sure if anything ever became of that.

They didn't close due to lack of business, rather their lease was up and the neighboring business was expanding.


updownsidewayz t1_jdsvfbi wrote

yah very sad, had wanted to go there one last time before they closed for good, damn


bent_peepee t1_jdsx2ly wrote

Eh, sorry to be a downer, but I won’t lament the closing of a seafood restaurant. We’re destroying the ocean, leaving nets and lines and debris, trawling, hauling in bycatch. We’ll look back 50 years from now hopefully with a little shame when seafood becomes so rare due to overfishing.
