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optifreebraun t1_je82fpw wrote

Man, the PR folks are prepared tonight - you've got the studies to show this! I mean, other than PR folks, who else is ready with scientific evidence and studies? I think you've just proved my point.



Activists who want to reduce road fatalities.

People with close friends who have died on our dangerous roads who have researched how we can make them safer.

Those are the people who are likely to cite studies on these topics. I fall into the second category.


optifreebraun t1_je835li wrote

Activists funded by traffic camera companies = shill.

Can you share with us your research? Are you associated with a university for these studies? Any corporate funding for that research?



I said that I know about this because I had a close friend die due to our dangerous roads. Learn to read.

This is a systematic review of studies on the effectiveness of speed cameras:


optifreebraun t1_je84v59 wrote

Boy, you sure are condescending. I know how to read, but I just don't believe you.

As you fall into the self-professed category of "People with close friends who have died on our dangerous roads who have researched how we can make them safer," pray tell, what was *your research*?

Edit: Your research versus that random link you gave out as part of your PR shill presentation.