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Nyrfan2017 t1_je84r24 wrote

What I don’t get is that work zone have troopers . Why don’t the troopers start pulling people over then people will start going oh shit. They are pulling people over I’ll slow .. now we have to spend more money more tech when infact if the rules where just enforced these machines wouldn’t be needed


Miles_vel_Day t1_jea1fvq wrote

They're just there as a deterrent and to handle any incidents that happen. It probably ISN'T necessary, but the police unions will never, ever let them drop that requirement. OT from that shit sends their kids to college.


Nyrfan2017 t1_jea4f67 wrote

I’m fine with it being a ot job how ever . If there there have why not have them pulling people over if they are there to protect to project site . In my view that’s protecting the site


Miles_vel_Day t1_jea5sxm wrote

It might be a good idea to post a second officer down the road a bit from the work zone, and the first officer can radio reports of inappropriate driving and have the second officer pull the driver over. That way the first officer, and his lights, are still at the work site serving as a deterrent and source of visibility.

I wouldn't endorse making this a REQUIREMENT for work zones because I think there would be real availability problems that would slow down construction projects, and obviously construction is already slow enough in the US. But it might be a good idea for select work zones, on larger projects or on more dangerous stretches of road.

Obviously the troopers would endorse this - even more OT!


xMMM212 t1_jea4bq8 wrote

Because then they'd have to wake up from their nap


AtomWorker t1_jeaj21b wrote

Cops are good as a deterrent and for emergency responses. For catching speeders they're expensive and impractical. Plus, chasing them down is risky and overly disruptive, especially in construction zones. This is the sort of thing that's perfect for automation and I'd argue that these cameras should be implemented everywhere.


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_je9uykg wrote

Troopers can only leave the work zone for serious issues. So unless someone goes through at a high rate of speed, they won't leave.


Nyrfan2017 t1_jea4mti wrote

So what’s the point of the job being a state trooper. They can’t come up with a sept called highway security for the work zones t costing less money


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_jea6i47 wrote

It just gets most people to slow down. Without a cruiser there, many people don't care.


Nyrfan2017 t1_jeah9zh wrote

Umm if that was what was happening this whole post and new systems wouldn’t be needed ..


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_jeaj8xq wrote

I did say "most". But in reality, this is just an easy and justifiable way of trying out a new system that will eventually be used for bringing in revenue on all state roads.