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Nyrfan2017 t1_jea4f67 wrote

I’m fine with it being a ot job how ever . If there there have why not have them pulling people over if they are there to protect to project site . In my view that’s protecting the site


Miles_vel_Day t1_jea5sxm wrote

It might be a good idea to post a second officer down the road a bit from the work zone, and the first officer can radio reports of inappropriate driving and have the second officer pull the driver over. That way the first officer, and his lights, are still at the work site serving as a deterrent and source of visibility.

I wouldn't endorse making this a REQUIREMENT for work zones because I think there would be real availability problems that would slow down construction projects, and obviously construction is already slow enough in the US. But it might be a good idea for select work zones, on larger projects or on more dangerous stretches of road.

Obviously the troopers would endorse this - even more OT!