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nylaras t1_jebar5x wrote

I don't think they are real strict with the 30 and 60 days rule. I just moved here in August and it took forever to get appointments at the DMV and when I went the first time I couldn't get either done due to paperwork issues. I think it was about 3 months when I got everything sorted out. Just make sure you have all your documents and it's a pretty easy process.


a-sillylittlegoose OP t1_jebbyfl wrote

Thank you. I’ll have all those documents with me. I’m just worried about getting pulled over with CA tags & plates and having officers question me for it


Major_Batty t1_jebd26k wrote

I wouldn’t worry about that. We see out of state plates all the time. Hell, the Staties are barely cracking down on people who dodge taxes by registering their cars in ME, while thier primary residence is still in CT.

Obligatory welcome to CT, I hope your move goes smoothly :)

Edit: spelling


mkt853 t1_jebj2sk wrote

Do you think only vehicles with Connecticut license plates are allowed to drive on Connecticut roads?


a-sillylittlegoose OP t1_jebkahj wrote

LOL not exactly, but if i got pulled over for a regular traffic stop they’d probably wonder why i have CA plates when I live full time in CT