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DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_jd5bh9t wrote

They’re not. It’s made up in tips and if tips don’t make up for it, the restaurant is required to pay them additionally up to minimum wage.


IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_jd5cm88 wrote

Yeah but the restaurants don’t always follow that, even if required by law


mkt853 t1_jd5hnhz wrote

I wonder what percentage of people working in restaurants are doing so under the table or ineligible for employment?


TheValentinePianoman t1_jd5n5sp wrote

Their wages should not include the tips they make alongside it. Tips should be on top of minimum wage


DiabolicalGooseHonk t1_jd7gkll wrote

Ok. That has nothing to do with the comment I replied to. They said no one should make less than minimum wage. It’s just a fact that servers don’t make less than minimum wage.