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Funny_stuff554 OP t1_jdch2xf wrote

I mean yeah but there was also no shoveling,slipperiness or power outages that come with the snow storms.


madnessdanz t1_jdco7ct wrote

Yeah but food chains might change over the course of the next 10 years, and my crops might not grow, but by all means we get to be lazy and not shovel snow.


Funny_stuff554 OP t1_jdeqqf1 wrote

Who cares about your crops as long as I don’t have to shovel lol we can always import from Vietnam or phillepines 🤗


Funny_stuff554 OP t1_jdeqxez wrote

Who cares about your crops as long as I don’t have to shovel lol we can always import from Vietnam or phillepines 🤗


madnessdanz t1_jdeybye wrote

Haha? Loser


Funny_stuff554 OP t1_jdf1qz8 wrote

I am a loser for not wanting to shovel in a 20 degree weather at 05:00 in the morning? 💀 like I am sorry if your crops didn’t grow but I will take this winter over whatever shithole winter we had in 2012-13 where we had 10-15 inches of snow storms. Like my bad but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️