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zgrizz t1_je57edn wrote

I can view my bills anytime I want.

Eversource is a lot of things, but your web browser problems aren't on them.


Ama014 t1_je57n1u wrote

We can go on the website perfectly fine, we can pay the bill online with no problem but when we go to access our bill the document does not pull up and instead a blank page appears stating “sorry we expected an unexpected error” - this is happening on our cell phones with data and laptops with WiFi so not a browser issue


SouthOrangeJuice t1_je58f9p wrote

Why have you not switched providers several months/years ago? They've been overcharging for years while less expensive third party suppliers have been available to you forever (~10 years?)


MormonReformist t1_je5c8oy wrote

You can change suppliers easily. Here is the list and their promotion prices. I don't believe they are able to charge cancellation fees in CT.

Also, I had a conversation with ChatGPT about this problem.


> Eversource is the primary energy supplier in Connecticut. As an economist, please explain why electricity prices so high in Connecticut.


> There are several factors that contribute to high electricity prices in Connecticut, and as an economist, I can explain some of the main reasons.

> 1. Limited Supply: Connecticut's electricity market is small compared to other states, and this has led to limited supply. As a result, the state must import electricity from neighboring states to meet its demand, which can be expensive due to transmission costs.

> 2. Cost of Fuel: Connecticut's electricity generation relies heavily on natural gas, which has been subject to price fluctuations in recent years. The cost of natural gas has been volatile, and this has contributed to the high electricity prices in Connecticut.

> 3. Investment in Clean Energy: Connecticut has been investing heavily in clean energy sources like wind and solar power. While these sources are important for reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment, they can be more expensive than traditional energy sources. This has contributed to higher electricity prices in the state.

> 4. Infrastructure Costs: Connecticut's aging electricity infrastructure requires significant investment to upgrade and maintain, and these costs are passed on to consumers through higher electricity prices.

> 5. Regulatory Costs: Connecticut has some of the most stringent regulatory requirements in the country, which can increase the costs of electricity generation and delivery.

> Overall, a combination of limited supply, high fuel costs, investment in clean energy, infrastructure costs, and regulatory costs contribute to the high electricity prices in Connecticut.


> As a policy maker, I am looking for ways to reduce the cost of electricity in Connecticut. What options do you recommend, as an economist?


> As an economist, I can recommend several options to reduce the cost of electricity in Connecticut:

> 1. Promote Energy Efficiency: Encouraging consumers to use energy-efficient appliances and technologies can significantly reduce their electricity bills. Policy makers can provide incentives for businesses and households to adopt energy-efficient practices and invest in technologies that reduce energy consumption.

> 2. Increase Competition: The state could consider promoting competition in the electricity market by allowing more suppliers to enter the market. More competition could lead to lower prices and better service for consumers.

> 3. Expand Renewable Energy Sources: Connecticut could expand its investment in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. While renewable energy sources can be more expensive to build and maintain, they can provide long-term cost savings by reducing the state's dependence on fossil fuels.

> 4. Address Infrastructure Issues: The state could invest in upgrading and modernizing its electricity infrastructure to reduce transmission costs and improve efficiency. This could involve replacing outdated equipment, improving transmission lines, and integrating smart grid technologies.

> 5. Review Regulatory Requirements: Connecticut could review its regulatory requirements and consider streamlining or reducing some of the requirements that add to the cost of electricity generation and delivery.

> Overall, a combination of policies that promote energy efficiency, competition, renewable energy sources, infrastructure improvements, and regulatory review could help reduce the cost of electricity in Connecticut.


> As a citizen, what can I do to encourage the adoption of these policies?


> As a citizen, there are several ways you can encourage the adoption of policies to reduce the cost of electricity in Connecticut:

> 1. Stay Informed: Stay informed about the issues related to electricity prices and policies in Connecticut. Follow news and updates from reliable sources, and stay up to date on policy proposals and developments.

> 2. Advocate: Contact your elected representatives and express your support for policies that promote energy efficiency, competition, renewable energy, and infrastructure improvements. You can also join local advocacy groups that promote these policies.

> 3. Make Energy-Efficient Choices: Make energy-efficient choices in your daily life by using energy-efficient appliances and lighting, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and conserving energy whenever possible.

> 4. Invest in Renewable Energy: Consider investing in renewable energy sources like solar or wind power for your home or business. By doing so, you can reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and support the development of renewable energy infrastructure in Connecticut.

> 5. Participate in Public Hearings and Comment Periods: Attend public hearings and comment periods related to electricity policies and make your voice heard. This can help policymakers understand the concerns and priorities of citizens when making decisions.

> Overall, as a citizen, you can play an important role in advocating for policies that reduce the cost of electricity in Connecticut. By staying informed, advocating, making energy-efficient choices, investing in renewable energy, and participating in public hearings and comment periods, you can help shape policies that benefit both the economy and the environment.


SouthOrangeJuice t1_je5f1fj wrote

You still technically use Eversource for the electricity, but you are free to choose from various third party suppliers who in many instances supply eversource's electricity to you for less than half the cost than getting it directly from eversource. Ridiculous, we know.


mkt853 t1_je5k4wm wrote

It's expensive as hell, but I don't know if I'd call it a scam. Those poor bastards in Texas a couple years back that got a $17,000 electricity bill during a snowstorm... now that seems more like a scam than anything Eversource does to us.


CtForrestEye t1_je5ko68 wrote

No. That would be Ticketmaster. Eversouce is a close second.


mdfromct t1_je5mj0n wrote

I’m wondering if you download the app will it let you see your bills? If not, call Eversource and ask for paper statements until they’re able to put your bills on the website.

Changing providers will reduce your bill a lot!!! Good move. Rates change twice a year with Eversource. January 1st and July 1st. The new supplier will be on your bill, along with the date the supplier stop providing your electricity. If by chance you don’t change suppliers before the date, call Eversource and switch back to them while you decide who to switch to next. They’ll switch you within 3 days. It’s important to know because once your low rate ends with your new supplier, it increases significantly when it expires. They will email you and send a letter before the rate expires so it’ll be hard to miss, especially with it also listed on your bill. Early cancellation fees are illegal in CT. If you see a better deal-switch again.


TituspulloXIII t1_je5ru1k wrote

There are multiple places in your account you can see your usage, rather than pull up a bill, bring up one of those charts in your account?

like /u/zgrizz stated, I've never had a problem looking at my account/pulling a bill off the website. Do you have some kind of pop-up blocker that may be preventing the pdf of the bill from downloading?


usernamedunbeentaken t1_je5snyc wrote

How long has Wallingford owned their utility. If they bought it in 1930 then it wouldn't be reflected in tax rates today. The maintenance and expenses would be presumably covered by utility bills.

The problem is if you take another town and suggest they embark on their own 'municipal power' program, then they would need to either build their own utility. The cost of which they would have to fund via taxes or via surcharges on utility bills going forward. Not apparent that such a situation would be cheaper for residents over the long run.


usernamedunbeentaken t1_je5zyu4 wrote

Yeah, that's my point. Build your own utility, your taxes go up to pay for that... but your utility bills go down. Basically a wash over the long term on a present value basis. Municipally owned power isn't a panacea.