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bunkerbash t1_jddv9ng wrote

I gotta say I think it depends. I worked with this bastard for a couple years and he 100% seemed like the type. The arrest went down after id left that company but when I saw the news I wasn’t shocked at all. He was aggressive, handsy, demeaning towards the women in the office, tried to encourage similar behavior from the other men in the office, and tried to turn everything into a sexual joke. Yuck


buddboy t1_jddvsdp wrote

true but he's not a neck beard which is what I think most people assume


RoundPlum t1_jdnhg2o wrote

That's insane. What the hell is wrong with people there's another case where there's an 83-year-old Rich socialite that was caught. Filming people for sexual gratification that lived in Greenwich. On the same page