Submitted by SopheliaofSofritown t3_11xhq8k in Connecticut

My partner had jury duty about 2 weeks after our baby was born and we completely forgot about it. It was on 03/07, we haven't heard anything from the state about missing it. Is it possible we'll get away without consequences? Or has the ticket just not come yet? Thanks!



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Hemightbegiant t1_jd30n0i wrote

There is a good possibility it was canceled anyway. I have been called in 3 times for it, never once gone to court. It always gets canceled.


ReverieKitchen t1_jd35hm4 wrote

Not to worry, they will send you a letter saying you missed jury duty and the importance of keeping Civil obligations. They will include in that letter a form to send back about jury duty with a future date.


Observant_Neighbor t1_jd3al2l wrote

While it is a crime to ignore a jury summons, I don't think CT has prosecuted anyone for this crime in years and years. I'd call the jury office, explain that you just gave birth and it shouldn't be a problem.


yocxl t1_jd3n263 wrote

This happened to me twice. I was less good at keeping track of events at that point and forgot to call both times.

I jokingly said I wanted to get it again so I could not flake out on it this time, then like a week later I get the letter. Ended up being canceled anyway.

You'll probably be fine.


STODracula t1_jd4rho3 wrote

Most of the time either it gets cancelled the day before and it counts as "served" or you get to the room and they settle before it goes to court so same deal. Also, you'll be fine anyway. Have gotten the letter 3 times, and only once have I've seen the judge's face and I was dismissed as it was for a long eminent domain trial I couldn't be present for.


Jeepdog539 t1_jd4x6za wrote

It's CT. They don't prosecute most crimes, so you should be fine.


WengFu t1_jd51vjc wrote

They will send you a cranky letter in a few weeks. I missed jury duty this summer (accidentally went on the wrong day) and I got a letter a few months later with instructions on how to resolve my issue. They ended up counting my wrong day as service.


JaKr8 t1_jd564si wrote

You don't hear very often about people getting punished for missing jury duty,. I imagine if it's the 1st time it's happened and it sounds like you have a good reason. , you would probably be okay


JiuJitsuCoder t1_jd5seuk wrote

My FIL hasn’t responded to one in over 50 years. He got drafted into the army and told me, “I did my service they can go f**k themselves”. He has NEVER had anything happen.