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Justinontheinternet t1_jdz9zol wrote

Ct arrests people then lowers their bail and either makes a plea deal or drops the charges. Specifically so that person can continue their criminal career. It’s really a sad state of affairs. But that’s what trying to be woke will get you. Just look at this SF lady begging for police after defunding them when it was the “cool” thing to do.

In regards to CT “ Overall Findings. From 2008 to 2017, the state of Connecticut initiated 30,977 cases or “dockets” charging individuals with firearm infractions, violations, and crimes. 27,022 of these dockets contained one or more final firearm charges at the time of disposition. These dockets contained 43,855 final firearm charges. 66% of these charges were dismissed or nolled, though over half of these dismissals and nolles occurred in dockets where the defendant either 1) successfully completed a diversionary program or 2) pled guilty to another charge in the docket as part of a plea agreement.”
