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BrownMan65 t1_jdypgdk wrote

The average or lower than average violent crime rate, but above average property crime. I have a feeling a lot of people in Newington got their catalytic converters stolen.


the_ENEMY_ OP t1_jdyq6r5 wrote

That's what I was thinking. The places I have viewed were only 10 minutes from my Hartford residence. Not sure if that area is worse or better (near NHS) than the turnpike or college areas. I had my catalytic converter stolen at JNI automotive which is just a few minutes from the Newington town line. Also had a window broken just to have a Halloween skeleton taken. I've purposely bought shitboxes the past 15 years to try to prevent big losses while living in Hartford.


danofnewengland t1_jdyri42 wrote

I lived in Newington for a few years and multiple people got their catalytic converters stolen. I got the cops called on me because I was in our apartment parking lot at 4 AM and they assumed I was stealing CATs.


JaKr8 t1_jdz1554 wrote

Might have some luck in WH south of 84 as well off S main ( but taxes are high), or Wethersfield off rt99.

If you're willing to rent to wait it out and are willing to rent again (anticipating rates/prices to drop), some new Apts just went up by Conard.


Justinontheinternet t1_jdz9zol wrote

Ct arrests people then lowers their bail and either makes a plea deal or drops the charges. Specifically so that person can continue their criminal career. It’s really a sad state of affairs. But that’s what trying to be woke will get you. Just look at this SF lady begging for police after defunding them when it was the “cool” thing to do.

In regards to CT “ Overall Findings. From 2008 to 2017, the state of Connecticut initiated 30,977 cases or “dockets” charging individuals with firearm infractions, violations, and crimes. 27,022 of these dockets contained one or more final firearm charges at the time of disposition. These dockets contained 43,855 final firearm charges. 66% of these charges were dismissed or nolled, though over half of these dismissals and nolles occurred in dockets where the defendant either 1) successfully completed a diversionary program or 2) pled guilty to another charge in the docket as part of a plea agreement.”


Larrik t1_jdzcyto wrote

My first guess would be shoplifting and prostitution on the Berlin Turnpike. Maybe street racing too.


sfa7x t1_jdzj8mj wrote

Newington is a great town. It's all property related crimes so that is all cat converters and people leaving their cars unlocked at night. There are very few areas I wouldn't live in but otherwise, you can't really go wrong.


IndexCardLife t1_jdzk12l wrote

Newington is fine. Lots of petty crime. Lock your car doors and don’t leave anything in said car overnight, which is just good practice anywhere.


BeachAdjacent t1_jdzt0u2 wrote

I used to live walking distance from the HS and the church, perfectly safe areas. Mainly opportunistic crimes, people looking for cars left unlocked at night. Install motion activated outdoor lights and keep your house and car locked Most of the real crime is on the turnpike. Lots of families, lots of people riding bikes and walking dogs.


thekingofsecrets t1_jdzvmrw wrote

I've lived in a couple places in Newington and I've not seen any significant amount of crime in the last 10 years that I've lived here. I live near the center now and the worst I've seen is that my neighbor leaves his cars unlocked and had someone grab a few things out of it one night. I used to live in an apartment right on the west Hartford line and the worst I had happen was that my bike got stolen, but I'm fairly certain that was the apt maintenance guy because I had to leave my storage unit open for him. Haven't heard about much cat theft or anything like that, but I'm sure it exists like it does everywhere.

My bet is that the statistics are artificially inflated due to the turnpike and the associated shoplifting and sketchy stuff that happens in the dingy little motels.


2SLGBTQIA t1_je01j1i wrote

This sounds fairly accurate given the turnpike is a 3rd world


tangtang1028 t1_je01uli wrote

This is why you should never build “affordable housing” crime follow poor people. I grew up poor and it was miserable. Never again. Just a never ending pool of despair.


Evan_802Vines t1_je0dr5r wrote

The way they smooth the data is important. More likely than not shop lifting from West farms is impacting the data and the edges of the boundary are fuzzier than they present.


Evan_802Vines t1_je0g4zm wrote

It is very dependent on how they are doing the numerical analysis for that graphical representation. They could be picking a point in the middle of the parcel and doing a search within a radius that extends beyond the parcel's edge which could contain WF crime. There's also crime in the new Britain/newington related to ccsu.

This is all to say unless you're right next to CCSU, violent crime should not be an issue.


Z2xU t1_je1l8uy wrote

NHS area only issue is traffic on the main road, otherwise its a great option for property value increase or start a family, or both... put a ring camera on the house and try to find a property w a usable garage is what I would do, which i would i do in any town nowadays... now I gotta go look to see what's available and window shop.... good luck



thekingofsecrets t1_je1vlge wrote

It could also be that their data is just wrong, the areas they call out as most dangerous are CCSU and the areas directly next to west farms. Definitely no feeling of danger anywhere around there. Gets progressively fancier as you get into WH


Archer0244 t1_jec9swb wrote

It's a democratic run state, there's going to be higher crime rates.