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Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_jcvwn3c wrote

So many questions… for the parents.


Down_vote_david t1_jcyrbyc wrote

They should be in jail.


Professional_Bird_74 t1_jcz1r8x wrote

Except for one, they all perished.


Down_vote_david t1_jczfnk6 wrote

I'm referring to the parents. They should both be in jail for allowing one of their teenage kids to KNOWINGLY drive the other kids ages 8-17 when the kid didn't have a license. The father even admitted to knowing the 16 year old kid would drive around unlicensed and would drive the other kids as well...

Also, I'm not buying the story the mom said about the kids being at a mall? What mall is open at 10:00pm or later? They crashed at 12:20...what is an 8 year old and 9 year old (where there wasn't even room in the car for the 9 year old, they were in the trunk) doing awake at 12:00?

Also, how did the parents not know their kids were being driven around by a 16 year old with no license?


bunkerbash t1_jczz3at wrote

And the parents have already raised over $40,000 on gofundme… given their lack of parenting up to this point you gotta wonder if the donations will actually be used for funeral expenses.


purpleflagbook t1_jcz8seu wrote

What mall is open at 12:30am? Or close to that time? Why were 8/9/12 year olds out at that time with other teenagers and no adults present? not to mention the driver with no license.

None of the children were registered in school in derby either….sounds like their parents didn’t care what they did. How sad for those children who needed to be home in their beds. Rest In paradise. A sad day.


NPETravels t1_jd35xs4 wrote

The more info that comes out, the more questions I have. This is so incredibly sad. I can even begin to imagine what the surviving 9 year old saw in that car and the trauma he's going through.


Money-Measurement961 t1_jd3jpo7 wrote

I feel the same. Also they moved here in august and the kids never enrolled in school..


NPETravels t1_jd3q6p9 wrote

August? I missed that. The article in the NY Post made it seem like they just moved here a few weeks ago.


Money-Measurement961 t1_jd3qaez wrote

Yeah I’m part of the derby community page and the father posted to it late august asking how to enroll his kids because they just moved there. Also he was told how. Big red flag


NPETravels t1_jd3qayk wrote

Still even if a few weeks, I would think a priority would be making sure the kids are in school. What did they do during the day ?