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mkt853 t1_je6bewe wrote

But residency and whether or not you passed some government test that says you know how to drive have nothing to do with each other. There are other ways to prove residency.


craftycamilla t1_je786u9 wrote

it’s because drivers licenses act as a standing ID card. if they didn’t have this information, then you would need to have both a drivers license and an ID, rather than just one or the other


mkt853 t1_je7giht wrote

Your ID is your name + DOB/SSN. Your address has nothing to do with your identity as it is not unique to you. There are very few times and places where you need to prove your address outside of voting. Having your address on your license or ID is overkill and unnecessarily compromises personal information any time you show ID. Ironically CT doesn't use SSNs for your driver license number because of this.


hessianhorse t1_je8w6n2 wrote

I love it when people think their own personal “logic” trumps actual reality. It’s so cute, and naive.