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Swede577 t1_je9pwtf wrote

I'm currently expanding my current CT home improvement business to start installing these at a more affordable price. Most hvac companies are making like 40-60% profit margins on these. A single 12k zone mini split shouldn't cost like $5k.

I have a lawyer looking everything over and mini splits don't require any hvac permits or licenses to actually install. Almost all towns only require a permit for the electrical part. 

I hope to soon be installing the same mini splits as Carrier for close to half the cost of these hvac companies. My install will be eligible for the energizect rebate as well.


thedude_CT t1_je9sytf wrote

I'm interested in keeping up on the progress of your business. Do you have a Facebook page or anything for it?


alocinwonibur t1_je9y78g wrote

I'd also like to hear if you have a Facebook or IG page… Sounds like a great opportunity for you and for your customers. Especially if you provide education and instruction on how to use the Eversource financing opportunities!


alocinwonibur t1_je9y7pt wrote

I'd also like to hear if you have a Facebook or IG page… Sounds like a great opportunity for you and for your customers. Especially if you provide education and instruction on how to use the Eversource financing opportunities!


MormonReformist OP t1_je9zr3e wrote

I'll follow the project if you send me a link.