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AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu0m7xl wrote

Hmm.... violating a condition of release.... arrest date July 18, 2018, and judging by the articles, that was incident where they arrested him for sending harassing messages to the victim. All kinda makes sense to me.....

But you do you. I can put two and two together....


IBroughtMySoapbox t1_iu0nsqc wrote

I love how you’re trying to gaslight me into believing that I’m defending the guy just because I refuse to convict him off of a newspaper article. You and people who share your thought process are the reason why innocent men are in prison


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu0oeyc wrote

Gaslight how?

I am sharing the information with you of this gentleman's history. I respect you may be busy. I respect you want to give him due dilligence. If, after providing you with all there is, you still don't see what's wrong here, that's fine.

I am not the reason why innocent men are in person. I am just trying to avoid another tragedy based on ones repeat offenses against protective orders, and their history of domestic abuse. Both of which this gentleman has clearly demonstrated based solely on actions.


IBroughtMySoapbox t1_iu11ra8 wrote

You’re not judging the man’s actions, you’re jumping to conclusions about what his actions were. He was arrested for violating a protective order and the case was adjudicated and a conviction was never secured. That means that this man never violated a protective order. But you keep repeating that he’s violated a protective order three times. You choose to believe that someone is guilty of a crime because they were arrested for it even after the charges were dropped in a court of law, it’s preposterous. This is exactly how innocent men go to jail, people like you sit on a jury and disregard all of the evidence thinking that the police would never arrest the wrong man


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu13wc4 wrote

Wow you really can't read that stuff huh. It says clearly under his convictions. But you want to defend him. Police arresting the wrong man? Wow. Lol. Omg im laughing really hard right now reading this lol. Seriously stop roflmao. Too damn funny

Keep defending a bad guy lol. Go ahead....

Roflmao, arrest the wrong man who was clearly with his victim when police showed up lol. Omfg....

I'm rolling....