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MonicaRising t1_iuf2l47 wrote

No people still throw them out their window and litter the bank all along the side of my property. Obviously drunk people on their way home trying to hide the evidence by chucking it out the window. It's been going on the entire 27 years I've lived here. It's a blight


notablyunfamous t1_iuf6mjv wrote

Taxing things like this is never about prevention. It’s about revenue


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuf6qol wrote

See assholes in infowarrior rides throwing them out the windows all the time.


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuf8fq0 wrote

I didn’t realize this had started. See them out front all the time. I do see fewer plastic bags blowing around these days.


I_VAPE_HOTDOG_WATER t1_iuf967l wrote

I've noticed no difference in the degenerates discarding their empties to and fro


jstahr63 t1_iufdk1f wrote

Plainfield has swept the streets twice this year, I assume from the funds distributed. I don't think anyone thought it was going to stop litterbugs, but towns are buying equipment and providing services.


Jdewart92 t1_iuffy1f wrote

Instead of taxing it why don’t they do a bottle return lol


No-Match-4504 t1_iufhdj8 wrote

4.2 million in tax revenues! Can't return for refund! Political scam!


Synapse82 t1_iufisuy wrote

Useless. Should have been 5 cents returnable deposit then people would pocket their nips and return them.

Just a government money grab. Leaches.


Bubba69Fan t1_iufjqb4 wrote

I see them everywhere, pulled into parking space at grocery store and there were 3 laying on ground. Towns are getting money from state but are they using it to clean up the town?


QueenOfQuok t1_iufkcma wrote

The worst part is they're all plastic instead of glass so there's no point picking them up to use them as potion bottles. You can't put a potion in a plastic bottle. It's just not done.


tjibbs11 t1_iufma6y wrote

From killingly, now that I think about it I haven't seen an abundance of nips around. I live on a pretty busy road and didn't notice the fact that I have seen so few.


1234nameuser t1_iuftvq4 wrote

Anything I pay a deposit for is NOT going to be recycled.

I'd appreciate if you put a recycling bin in front of store.....kind of think that would be an obvious way to reduce trash?

...but charging me to juggle my trash so I can recycle my 2L jugs is doing the exact opposite.


B6304T4 t1_iufu89x wrote

Not sure what's wrong with immediate consumption. It's really a nice convenience to be able to buy nips on the way to a party, concert, etc and have them cold on arrival. Refrigerated fifths probably gives the wrong message but I'll have to disagree with you on the nips.


TreeEleben t1_iug2d1m wrote

No difference. Still see loads of them on the ground, especially at stop signs.


jessiyjazzy123 t1_iug4p93 wrote

Genuinely asking...does that mean that there's a return on them? Also, do you have to return beer and wine bottles to the liquor store to get a return? I come from a state that didn't have deposits/returns and whenever I try to return my beer/wine bottles to the grocery stores it doesn't take them while it takes my nonalcoholic ones just fine. Been too afraid to ask...


kaw027 t1_iug4zcz wrote

From what I know they’d be too light for the machines that take our household recycling to process, but idk if the official bottle return stations are better equipped


SamuraiPanda19 t1_iug77v6 wrote

They’re just so convenient to drink, would never throw one out on the road, but fuck are they convenient


Last-Instruction739 t1_iug7bzy wrote

Go somewhere people shore fish. Those little bottles of fireball are everywhere still.


Amity83 t1_iug8m7w wrote

They are so small they don’t stay cold for long. I worked for a few years next to a liquor store. The alcoholics all drink the nips in the morning and toss them out the window. Our customers and employees knew not to park on that side of the lot because of the drunks backing into them.


Grand_ST t1_iug94cf wrote

Just an FYI- The sweeping most likely has nothing to do with nips or litter in general. I work for a town that has a sweeper going for 3 out 4 of the seasons. None of it is for litter.


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_iugag8w wrote

Nope. Money goes to the towns for select purposes. Would have been better to make it an actual deposit. You can fit a lot of nips in a shopping bag while walking.


Hollywood0203 t1_iugefty wrote

Lol this is the same place that got rid of plastic bags…. Yet they are still everywhere


cncamusic t1_iugerrw wrote

what is it a 5c extra cost to each nip? Does anyone really think tacking on 5c to a nip is gonna deter people from buying them or something? No one buys nips unless they're trying to hide their drinking, and no one hides their drinking unless they've got a problem, and no one with a problem is gonna think twice about a 5c hike LOL


Alibutts1983 t1_iugjsav wrote

I can say that in Maine, no one cared. Plus, drink enough and you can return them for more nips 🤷🏻‍♀️

ETA- ours is a deposit


4Impossible_Guess4 t1_iugk22n wrote

There is no return on the nippers, it's a straight tax. They just suck a couple cents each one- like with the state park passes where they added a fee to anyone who registers a car in Connecticut. But you can go to the state parks, which are already public land...

As for the bottles, I'm not entirely too sure about wine, but if you have a six-pack/case of clean cans or bottles generally a store will take them. I normally fill a garbage bag and then hit a bottle return at a grocery store - I could be mistaken but if it's not taking certain cans or bottles at that store they might not sell them, I have had similar issues where one store takes them fine and another one doesn't with cans, they all seem to take glass bottles though 🤷🏿‍♂️


ctusa73 t1_iugt5qi wrote

Yea, nips are already way overpriced. You would think people would buy a canteen or big bottle and refill nips...but they don't because you can drink 3 nips on the way home and toss them out the window. And the coffee cup that hid 24oz of Michelob ultra 24oz. Can be tossed to. As long as your not to fucked up you'll possibly pass a sober test. But not many rush hour sober tests...I mean , if you can drive at a reasonable speed, stay off devices, you probably aren't a bad driver with a few nips or beers. I think drunk driving is bad. But 2beers in your car at 4, when you work till 330 is just responsible drinking. You can drink and drive responsibly. A few ruin it for most.


ctusa73 t1_iugtrny wrote

That's what I don't like cans should go up to 20 cents and nips a dime. When they started the deposit program a nickel went pretty far. A nip tax higher and other higher deposits would increase state revenue ,reduce litter and aid the poorest


ctusa73 t1_iugugv2 wrote

Have you ever smelled the Tuck. My favorite tuck story was how people who grew up in naugatuck got into dope dealing. I mean people would move out of state and visit family and traffic drugs. The FBI busted a shit load. Guess how that helped. All the taxpaying chefs, construction workers, other highly specific jobs died. The cops and fbi took out the safe source, they jailed the regular suppliers who normally stayed under the radar, partly by good , yet safe. They mostly had professional jobs so they went to jail, or worse, and their customers, the towns, best friend, cousin. Uncle... Fed an addiction wherever they could and fucking died. Slow clap murder of hard working naugatuck by making your brother mother cousin best friend find a new dealer because the guy at the bar was hanging himself in jail who delivered your addiction safely.


RoboticGreg t1_iuh4wm4 wrote

I didn't even know about it, and have seen zero impact


860glass t1_iuh85h6 wrote

If can deposits didn’t stop littering why would this?


nutmegryder t1_iuhe6gc wrote

Are we really expecting the people who are already making a terribly irresponsible decisions (slamming nippers while driving) to clean up after themselves, or have any respect for other peoples property? The consumers of nips are often the heaviest of drinkers, yet they don’t see how expensive this method is either. It’s clearly a mental issue going on here, and those profiting turn a blind eye to it.


Halifax199 t1_iuhgtix wrote

I live on a rural road next to a state forest and about 10 miles from the nearest liquor store. The roadsides here are loaded with nip bottles, and blue Busch beer cans. I've got 600' of frontage and I am picking this junk up almost daily. Lived here over 30 years. I know it's one guy doing most of this. I've tried to catch him but no joy.

He's my white whale.


djln491 t1_iuhmrd3 wrote

Exactly. Same with raising the bottle deposit to 10 cents. If not about “revitalizing recycling” as they claim. They know many cans and bottles will still never be redeemed.


djln491 t1_iuhnbnp wrote

Make it a 5 cent refundable deposit and you won’t see them lying around as much.


Jawaka99 t1_iuhpfx2 wrote

While possibly true the reason that I've bought them is because there's flavors available in nips size that for whatever reason they don't make available in any other sizes.


TalkingShitAllMyLife t1_iuhsgp6 wrote

I actually don't mind this tax I think it's better than the deposit. The deposit is a tax on people who have their recycling collected from their homes so it's a bit unfair. But if you're buying nips you're not doing it because of price as it's the most expensive way to consume liquor it's because you want to throw it out of the window. I have no problem with towns making money from people who do this, littering is not just disgusting it's completely avoidable too. It's not hard to throw trash away, and if you're hiding alcoholism stop by a dumpster on your way home. They literally have them outside some liquor stores and people still throw their trash out the window.


B6304T4 t1_iuhv6vm wrote

Lmao. And people believed it. I bet every penny of that money goes into the general fund. And besides, how did people really expect the states accountants to figure out how to get state tax dollars from the coffers into the town budgets (its the towns who actually cleans the roads) without any significant amount of political reach arounds.


B6304T4 t1_iuhviar wrote

If we're going somewhere and need to make a stop, if I'm riding passenger, I'm starting immediately once I'm back in the car. But I've never had an issue with nips getting cold, I usually buy refrigerated sleeves so might be why... More concentrated thermal mass.


unicornbomb t1_iuhw1fn wrote

A 5 cent tax won’t stop an alcoholic from buying whatever they can afford to get their fix, let alone dumping it on the side of the road.

While I’m here, can we stop putting such a huge tax on bottled water? Norwalk municipal water comes out of the tap orange and brown at least twice a month. Half the bottle return centers here are either closed half the time due to malfunctioning equipment, or have grossly limited hours. I just put it in the weekly recycling bin.

Or yknow, I guess we could just do something about the state of the city water here so I actually feel comfortable letting my family and pets drink it.


G_Art33 t1_iui0nja wrote

A friend of mine is an alcoholic. Pretty bad with it. He switched from sleeves of nips to half pint / pint bottles. Guess the nip tax if working on him, but it’s not helping him at all…


jstahr63 t1_iui90gl wrote

I've been here 35 years, this is the first I've seen a second run in town after the initial spring sand pickup. Mid-summer IIRC. Perhaps a complaint triggered it but our current officials I can fully imagine saying "oh we'll pick up nips.

Either way, it damn sure won't help our river banks which are even more littered with them.

Funding was released six months ago and again this month (Oct.). Towns have very different ways of dealing with windfalls.


choite t1_iuidti6 wrote

Fuck that. Im Sick of doing unpaid recycling as part of my job. Ppl bringg in the fucking most disgusting smelling bags of beer mixed with all type of seltzer bullshit. Its gross. Our state law requires all vodka soda to be shipped covered in plastic wrap. I rip up fkn 100 plastic wraps a week and toss them. The state should either promote recycling or not. But they should make thier fucking mind up. Thousands of plastic coverings being mandoatory is not in any form compatible with charging people a recycling tax/deposit.


GeigerCounterMinis t1_iuih1aw wrote

Gotta say, is there an upper limit CT residents have on getting taxed for shit that never happens?

Cause we seem to vote for every new tax that claims to be for infrastructure and I've yet to see any positive change in this state in my 30 years of life.

Personal rant: Enfield can screw itself in particular, they're currently demolishing the only youth center near by to build a assisted living community. They charge outrageous property tax on your car just yo give you some of the most shit roads I've ever driven in the whole nation. You can bet the town hall and green look great for tourism pictures though.


choite t1_iuik1gy wrote

I didnt really elablorate my bad. There is plastic wrap on all liquor type seltzers. I throw away hundreds a month. Its state law to wrap these for shipping as they contain liquor. So its a giant waste of plastic that creates a shit ton of trash. For no reason. And yet, they dont want people to use plastic bags. To me, its hypocritical.


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuisl7u wrote

I didn’t know that. I thought they just came in cardboard boxes like cases of beer. I find the cans all the time. I collect them and bring them to the Lions Club by the garbage bag full.


Pinocchio226 t1_iuiud6q wrote

Not seeing them on our street lately. Tax the drunks!


choite t1_iuiwaei wrote

Anything with vodka in it or whiskey like a high noon or jack daniels jack and coke 4 pack come wrapped in plastic. White claws and regular seltzers come in cardboard. Which we recycle. apparently were not supposed to take the high noon cans for refund anymore. At least, thats what the guy who takes all the cans said.


GutsNGuns t1_iuj5lqf wrote

Typical nutmeg logic, there is none. If the politicians thought with their heads instead of pockets then they would of made it a deposit. The greed of CT politicians both sides are corrupt 🙄