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Synapse82 t1_itzjyym wrote

I mean holy shit, you have an amazing property to begin with lol. Very nice

I try so hard to keep up the grass, do you use weed treatment and sprinkler system??


Malapple OP t1_itzq9np wrote

Two years ago there was a 140 foot, 10’ wide trench dug through there. It’s surprising how much Lawn Science helped. We are on a well, so no regular irrigation, though we did water the hell out of it in 2021. We stopped when the drought hit and it was mostly yellow.

I’m really frugal and it was a tough decision to pay someone to test and treat the lawn but has been worth it.

We mow it ourselves and do all other property care on our own. It’s become a hobby I guess.


Synapse82 t1_itzrkcy wrote

Nice. Yeah it’s a lot of work but looks great, it’s tough to get it that point and then maintain.