Submitted by IndicationOver t3_yhoyi4 in Connecticut
Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_iuf5pjt wrote
Touch grass
BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuf5xnh wrote
Touch ass, incel.
aarondavidson t1_iuf6h9z wrote
lol. Few sidewalks and bit much more decoration than anywhere else local.
[deleted] t1_iufbj6o wrote
bent_peepee t1_iufd0h4 wrote
“open degeneracy on display”
mysticeetee t1_iufk28p wrote
At this rate there won't be any time of the year that's off season.
Dirt_Bike_Zero t1_iufpg19 wrote
Inland? Do you even know where the water is? Doubtful, with a comment as ignorant as that.
Jawaka99 t1_iufrvyz wrote
On the flip side, traffic through downtown is silly and there's no place to park.
silverado-z71 t1_iufwumu wrote
It is absolutely gorgeous I spent four days there right around Christmas one year and it was absolutely beautiful
bbpr120 t1_iufx8ls wrote
Guessing that they saw a same sex couple holding hands in downtown, one was probably flashing ankle (the scandal!!!!) and their sad little repressed self can't handle that others can be true, while they can't.
Really sounds like they need a good orgy up in P-Town to loosen up and mellow out. That and a geography lesson...
General_Traffic_267 t1_iug4y5w wrote
Not a town. But details.
GOOFCON_1 t1_iug5g7w wrote
That’s the point. Cars suck. Mystic knows this.
Doctor-Dapper t1_iug6wht wrote
Plenty of places to park year round, traffic is fine in winter and easily avoidable in summer.
BOB58875 t1_iugeciu wrote
That’s why I’ve always advocated for banning cars from Mystic just like they’re doing in Europe such as in parts of Paris and Barcelona
G_money_hoops t1_iugnm6o wrote
Wondering if they’re talking about the Groton side or Stonington side of the township
LaxHnl t1_iugo49e wrote
Mystic [at least part of it] is in Groton.
xxhorrorshowxx t1_iuh5122 wrote
Now we know who to blame for the off-season crowds recently, damn.
SonicBoom6 t1_iuh59n1 wrote
CTInsider been over exaggerating their articles like they been to every towns, states, and seen it all. Probably customers bait and switch or something. If something indeed is the best in America: how so, who the last best, what the rating base on? Otherwise CTInsider is not a creditable place to read stuff like this but to read over exaggerating opinions.
johnsonutah t1_iuhhwgj wrote
Westerly is extremely expensive now
LobsterMan101 t1_iuhn0lz wrote
No I it’s Freeport Maine 😠
IndicationOver OP t1_iuhod3m wrote
interesting but no shock in 2022 honestly
IndicationOver OP t1_iuhoql9 wrote
Did you even look at the article? People like you are funny to me, respond based off title only.
The source
Popular_Bid_3343 t1_iui16nk wrote
I agree that cars suck, but I disagree that Mystic knows this. Attend any of the area’s economic development meetings and the like and you’ll discover that SECT loooooves their cars and considers it a personal affront if they have to walk more than a quarter of a mile.
Look at Coleman St. in New London. Could absolutely transform that stroad into a lovely walkable shopping district. Instead you’ve got four car dealerships dispersed among concrete graveyards, abandoned buildings, and all you can eat fast food chains. Driving down that road is worse than depressing and it’s no wonder that people think New London is a slum city.
iguessimtheITguynow t1_iuidj40 wrote
That's already the case
goodfellabrasco t1_iuilj1u wrote
Mystic, CT does not exactly strike me as a hotbed of degeneracy and excess, lol.....
BeerJunky t1_iuitk0x wrote
See “walkable”
fprintf t1_iuiu4d5 wrote
Very true, all delineated by the Mystic river. We were just looking at a house in Mystic but the address and town hall are in Stonington. We looked at another house and it was in Groton.
Jawaka99 t1_iuj2z4g wrote
Are you planning to walk to Mystic?
BlkOwndYtFam t1_iueybj7 wrote
Inland Provincetown.
Pretty is certainly not a word I'd use to describe the open degeneracy on display in Mystic. Hellish perhaps.