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lwsdy t1_iuiuuav wrote

Drivers are getting older


[deleted] OP t1_iuivd0p wrote

Personally, as someone who hates highways for personal reasons, I partially blame CT’s road construction. In the areas I drive around in (central/northern CT) there are tons of merges and exits on both sides of the highway. I’m not the type of person you’re describing, but the right lane in this state can be really stressful with double merge/exits happening within the same short stretch of road.

In the south highway lanes tend to be much more stable, presumably due to a lower population density. It’s much easier to sit in the right lane with cruise control on if I only want to drive 5 over. In CT I’m basically forced to frequently lane swap.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_iuiyces wrote

Probably the law established for those highways prohibiting driving over 65

Just kidding there’s no speed enforcement in CT


bob-a-fett t1_iuj0299 wrote

lots of assholes moved to CT from NYC / westchester