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adam_west_ t1_itpywat wrote

Wait—Chaz & aj are still on the air? Is it still the same stale jokes , banal repartee and bad music from 20 + years ago? Talk about zombie culture.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itq75fb wrote

Bad music from 20 years ago? Put the pipe down. Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Queen are bad music now ?


deusrex_ t1_itq8iln wrote

None of those bands are from 20 years ago...


BeenBanned69Times t1_itq8w42 wrote

Maybe 3% of PLR’s songs are from 20 years ago so the comment makes no sense then, but alright. Foo Fighters, Green Day, Linkin Park are bad music now ?


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqc64u wrote

I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on the first two, but yeah, Linkin Park's always been awful rap-rock nu metal.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqch6t wrote

Foo Fighters and Green Day are 2 of the greatest bands of all time. Like them or not. The point is you can not like Chaz and AJ, but to say they play bad music is just false


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqcvul wrote

It was just funny to see a band as obviously bad as Linkin Park snuck in there, as much as I couldn't care about the first two.

But if Chaz and AJ play Linkin Park, they're playing bad music.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqd2la wrote

Just say you’re old. People who grew up in the 90’s and 2000’s like Linkin Park. I’m sure you like some music way worse


InvisibleTeeth t1_itqlt3k wrote

Linkin Park was always the whiny, emo, less talented version of 311.

Although since Chester did eventually kill himself, it wasnt whining for the sake of whining.

That being said, i havent listened to the radio in decades. Always surprised when I hear people still do.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqlzvu wrote

311 is an awful band lol


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqmu25 wrote

Just like Linkin Park.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqpsb7 wrote

It should be said that I am not this huge fan of Linkin Park lol the whole point was that PLR does not just play bad music. And that music from 20 + years ago was certainly not bad


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqqkmm wrote

I mean, some music from 20+ years ago is pretty bad. But as long as we can agree that Linkin Park is dumb music for suburban 8th graders, sure.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqrsya wrote



BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqshx3 wrote

OK so you are a huge Linkin Park fan lol.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqux5x wrote

There’s middle ground here. You just don’t want there to be


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqvuo8 wrote

Not really, Linkin Park is one of the worst rap-rock nu metal bands. I was a little piece of shit in middle school, I liked Korn and Limp Bizkit and a lot of other pure trash. Just cultureless, impotently angry music with terrible aesthetics and overall vibe.

But I remember thinking Linkin Park was too dumb to like, even then. The name was extra dumb, the singer was especially whiny, the sound was just like every other shit band in the same genre.

Even the handful of kids I knew in college who still liked them were always the ones who dressed the worst and hadn't fully gotten over that dumb teenage angst yet. Like they were good people at their hearts, but it kind of says something that they were all similar in those ways.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqxdmp wrote

See I have never put this much thought into linkin park. To hate the or love them. I’m the middle ground


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqxvtc wrote

You came in pretty hot defending them, which seems kind of weird if you never put that much thought into them and don't love or hate them. Like you tried to put them on the same level as Green Day and the Foo Fighters haha, that doesn't really seem like middle ground.


BeenBanned69Times t1_itqxzzs wrote

Who you don’t even recognize as great bands, so… what do you care?


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itr1zlu wrote

Well I've heard songs from both of those bands, and seen what both of those bands look like. As much as I don't listen to them regularly, I know they're not just whiny nu metal shitheads making awful music for suburban middle schoolers. I don't personally like those bands, but it's easy to see how they're both a lot better than Linkin Park.

Now we can get back to how you came in hot defending Linkin Park and comparing them to much better bands despite saying you're not a big fan. What's all that about?


BronzedAppleFritter t1_itqddm9 wrote

I was in middle school when the first big Linkin Park album came out haha. It's bad rap-rock nu metal and very whiny.


kuchygucci OP t1_itq7t5m wrote

Twas raised on classic rock, that's why I listen to the show.


danhm t1_itqrj98 wrote

It would be nice if they played more than the same 30 songs.


adam_west_ t1_itrf5el wrote

Exactly. It’s not ‘bad’ it’s just the same 3 dozen songs … for the past 25+ years. And oftentimes it’s the least interesting song from a classic rock artists catalog, played over and over again… example : ‘fool in the rain’ by zeppelin