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mmafan567 t1_iy60h77 wrote

Property taxes about to go up in New Haven


roo-ster t1_iy64awp wrote

Cops, not taxpayers, should have to pay for their malpractice.


mmafan567 t1_iy64eo8 wrote

Agreed but not how it works at the moment


WhittlingDan t1_iy84j7f wrote

Then what's the point of your comment? If your not advocating for personal responsibility/liability of officers what are you trying to say?


Kraz_I t1_iy6ky97 wrote

If this has to do with unsafe transport vans with no seatbelts, then there's moral culpability not only to the cops, but the department, the state, suppliers, who knows? As for who foots the bill, probably just the state.


WhittlingDan t1_iy84vtn wrote

Some people don't think cops should be accountable for their actions, especially if that accountability might cost them a couple dollars. Those same people tend to not see problems in the behavior of the police..


Shellsbells821 t1_iy851t5 wrote

There should have been some kind of restraint in the van. But, I'm sure it would have been considered inhumane. Win some. Lose some.