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buried_lede t1_iy8q7nk wrote

Electrical engineers, maybe, but economists? What’s next, witchcraft? (Just kidding, sort of)


SKIPPY_IS_REAL t1_iy8vi75 wrote

Economists because they will determine what resources are about to become available and provide cheap alternatives to natural gas, coal and oil. They can determine under represented markets that CT could tap into, kinda the same as supply chains but more prospecting and looking to the future.


buried_lede t1_iy9h0gs wrote

He’s got the right idea. It wouldn’t hurt if someone pulled out a pointer and rolled out some charts. I do want this anatomy laid out in detail and accurately and not shallow. Tired of the regurgitated press releases explaining why rates are high. They are all full of shit.

Lobbyists at Ever-score - - you know what they are giving to legislators? Loungewear catalogs with the latest Black Friday prices