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CatsNSquirrels OP t1_ixx3vk9 wrote

Dallas. Far northern suburbs. But I grew up in Dallas. We are definitely city people but like to have some space and some quiet. I love to garden.


BoudiccasWrath79 t1_ixxp99j wrote

For the love of god don’t move to northeastern CT. Yeah it’s rural and pretty but if you say you escaped Texas you’ll find yourself right back in it if you move there. It’s a cultural black hole. I’ll put in another vote for the Mystic area as well as New Haven.


CatsNSquirrels OP t1_ixz9rqh wrote

Yes. I’ve definitely read that and we are not considering that area!


giant_toad42 t1_ixxxr47 wrote

Oh, you the one triggered by me describing the entirety of CT?

Way to be ignorant.

I ask "where are you from" because I understand not everyone is like me.

Also compared to Texas CT is tiny. Everything is close as hell here. Op can literally live wherever they want + be pretty close to everything we have to offer. Time to drive across Houston is the time it takes to drive from one end of CT to the other.


giant_toad42 t1_ixxxpc6 wrote

Sounds like NH/WH is your thing then.

Btw. Texas has the Right-leaning mindless zealots. We have the left leaning version of them. Anything that doesn't align 100% with their thinking and you're a fascist.


Good news is if you have a professional job you probably will avoid the majority of the ignorant types.
