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ZestyItalian2 t1_ixx61hf wrote

A little weird to move to either of those towns if you have no kids. Major family communities with high property taxes to pay for good schools.

If you like that area, Black Rock (which is technically Bridgeport) is right next to Fairfield except way cheaper, and Norwalk is next to Westport at a fraction of the price.


curbthemeplays t1_iy01dax wrote

Actually Fairfield and Westport have low mill rates. The property values are high, though, and I agree they’re not great for non-families. Fairfield is better than Westport though.


ZestyItalian2 t1_iy026kv wrote

Fairfield is less expensive than Westport (though still quite pricy- Westport is the 9th wealthiest zip code in the country) but I’d say if anything Fairfield is more parent-y than Westport. You can be a rich single childless investment banker in Westport, but FF is wall to wall moms.


curbthemeplays t1_iy02dxf wrote

I guess my perspective is different, as several former colleagues and friends live in Fairfield without kids. On the other hand, the only singles or childless people that I know that lived in Westport hated it and didn’t last long.


ZestyItalian2 t1_iy02l6d wrote

I generally agree that Fairfield is the preferable place to live regardless. Great town.