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maxanderson350 t1_iwrqr0b wrote

It's fine that Tong thinks this rate increase is too high but the fundamental blame for this rests with the state government for allowing CT residents to pay far more in energy costs than people in nearly every other state.


DarkDeSantis t1_iwrrn3k wrote

Energy is up 80% this year, 50% rly isn't that bad


TheDogsNameWasFrank OP t1_iwrtrdr wrote

Found the eversource shill.


We are being charged more than consumers in surrounding states per kWh.

The average residential electricity rate in Connecticut is 25 ¢/kWh, which is 41% higher than the national average rate of 18 ¢/kWh.


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_iwrwvoe wrote

Welcome to the collapsing civilization. Every year will be harder and harder going forward.


Jawaka99 t1_iwsoxwe wrote

Well we just elected new leaders to run the state. Lets see what they do about this.


General_House_8602 t1_iwt4fqw wrote

Crazy that this would happen right after Lamont’s win………..


CaptainSolo80 t1_iwt7433 wrote

Those annoying solar panels ads don’t sound so annoying anymore.

Neighbor of mine got panels a few years ago, they don’t pay UI anymore UI pays them.

I don’t think it’s a lot but I’d rather receive 30-50 bucks from UI rather then pay them 400 dollars


SolomonG t1_iwtp5fb wrote

This whole post is just garbage but I'm going to respond to this part because it is particularly terrible misinformation.

> EV law mandates caused five or more oil refineries to close down on their own free will.

Reduced demand during covid led to oil companies cutting costs by closing some US refineries.

Now that demand has returned, they have still not reopened those refineries. The US is currently refining at capacity. Meanwhile these companies are selling more oil to Europe than ever before because they can charge higher prices, further reducing the supply available domestically.

So American consumers are paying inflated prices while Exxon Mobil just had it's best quarter ever.


karmint1 t1_iwu40k0 wrote

Saw on energizeCT a 3 year contract for 14/kwh, which is crazy, but considering it if eversource's rate is about to jump to 18/kwh.


Swede577 t1_iwu58af wrote

From Lamont's press release.

As of January 1, 2023, Connecticut’s all-in residential electric rates ($0.35/kWh) for both Eversource and UI will be within the same range as most New England utilities, including New Hampshire ($0.33/kWh to $0.39/kWh) and Rhode Island ($0.29/kWh). Only Maine ($0.24/kWh to $0.28/kWh) and Vermont* ($0.18/kWh) are lower. Meanwhile, customers of National Grid and Unitil in Massachusetts are paying over 40% higher rates than Connecticut at $0.48/kWh and $0.42/kwh (Note: Electric rates change seasonally and on different timeframes for each utility; these figures are subject to change).


mischavus618 t1_iwu7lsv wrote

WFSB quote “If the supply prices are approved by PURA, Eversource customers’ supply would go from 12.1 cents per kilowatt-hour to 24.2 cents per kilowatt-hour.”


hamhead t1_iwu92vm wrote

That makes no sense. We should encourage conspicuous consumption?

If you told me the first certain amount should be free you might have a point. But not at all.

And I mean, nothing is free. You’d need a huge tax increase to pay for that.


hamhead t1_iwu95zr wrote

It’s a supply side increase, not really a UI increase.

We could lay the blame at the states feet for building so many NG plants, but other than that, you had to know this was coming given the pricing on NG lately.


MikeTheActuary t1_iwubo8y wrote

PURA frequently approves only a portion of Eversources' and UI's requested rate increases.

Presumably Eversource and UI are asking for huge increases, hoping PURA's enforced compromise will provide what they actually need.


ovrhere_ t1_iwue69y wrote

Conspicuous consumption is a phrase I'm not familiar with so i looked it up and i don't understand what you're asking. Guaranteeing every resident has utilities regardless of their income feels to me like the opposite of purchasing goods or services to publicly display wealth rather than to cover basic needs, I'm suggesting the state should cover those needs universally. And yeah that could require higher taxes. I'm not opposed to paying a proportionately higher tax to support that.


ScooterTheBookWorm t1_iwuhqmt wrote

Brought to you by Reaganomics and Deregulation. Broad gameshow hand gestures at everything


Hot-Cry920 t1_iwumnsc wrote

Lol nothing…. The region needs natural gas pipe lines. Democrats wont approve because it goes against green energy. Rolling blackouts will be real this winter.


Adm1ral_ackbar t1_iwuyw0t wrote

The state should take over Eversource and run it as a public utility. Then we can end the price gouging.


TheDogsNameWasFrank OP t1_iwuzfux wrote

You missed the point genius.

Again. Maybe read it twice:

Don't act as if the GQP would act in consumers best interests if they were in power.

Your point about this issue is valid. But if you think the Republicans would actually take action to benefit consumers you're on crack.


MikeTheActuary t1_iwv108g wrote

It's a near-universal fact of life in price-regulated enterprises: When you need a significant price increase, the regulator will likely resist. So you ask for the biggest increase you can justify, in the hopes that the approved increase is close to your real need.

The regulators know about the practice. If they're good, they know the right questions to establish the real need.

(Source: Spent many years seeking regulatory approval of insurance rates.)


TituspulloXIII t1_iwv5wwz wrote

I wish the increase was that low in MA. National Grid went from 0.11 to 0.32 on 11/1


Backpacker7385 t1_iwvjnom wrote

Tesla. It was cheaper to get a Tesla system including two backup batteries than the next two quotes I got which didn’t even include batteries. I know prices have gone up since I did mine, but get at least a couple quotes.

I also have a Tesla referral code, if you want it just message me. It’s only $300 off, but better than nothing.


TheDogsNameWasFrank OP t1_iwvprvn wrote

You brought the point up, as if getting rid of Dems would solve the problem.

It's bullshit what the Dems are allowing to happen. But you're full of shit intimating that the repubs would be doing anything more.

That is my point. And now that you've abandoned your point, we are done here.


Enginerdad t1_iww0ft5 wrote

Eversource's supplier rate is going up 100%, but since supplier charges are only about half of your bill (generation being the other half), your total bill will go up by about 50%


HeyaShinyObject t1_iww4aep wrote

Prior poster didn't really mean conspicuous consumption, but there is an effect that if you don't pay for something, you will consume it without regard. "Might as well turn my heat up to 83, my taxes already paid for it". It would be a disaster. You could make a better argument for universal basic income (I'm not convinced, but it's saner than free utilities).


Backpacker7385 t1_iww8010 wrote

It’s financed at (ballpark) $150/mo for 20 years, but at a little less than 5% interest I’m actively paying it off more quickly than that.

Those numbers also don’t take into account the payback from Eversource for our over generation, which will offset several months per year entirely.


Badfiish t1_iwwavii wrote

Yeah you are right we will have to weigh it out when the time comes

however we had some quotes by sun run already and friends who use them locally say they work for them so we may go in that direction