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sld06003 t1_ixyuj04 wrote

Not sure about the gymnastics. It's takes two branches to get laws through.

From 1991-2010 there was a republican gov and democratic legislature. Since 2011, Democrats hav held controlled both .

Starting in 2011, the state started getting under control. Spot the subtle difference....


giant_toad42 t1_ixz4dp1 wrote

Mmm hmm.

You do know who writes the budget, right?

Pretending the person who signed the budget is 100% responsible for the budget?

Come on.

Oh, hang on, now I'm a fascist because I know how the budget is written - and I'm not willing to twist the truth because it makes the people I support look bad. We fucked it up, we fixed it. It's the truth - deal with it.

Seriously, fuck progressives.
