Protest at the state capital against the Eversource rate hike! Legislators will be present. (New Date) Call your state reps as well in advance and let them know how you feel!
Submitted by Lilcoqui17 t3_z5nfnu in Connecticut
Just a reminder to sign up and lock in 13 cents per kilowatt hour from constellation for 3 years. FYI eversource will be 24 cents in January. Lock in that savings.
Yes! You can protest, or you can simply switch your supplier and get a much lower rate which will send a bigger message to Eversource.
Y not both?
Eversource will still own the grid and charge you for delivery even after you change suppliers. There's more work to be done here.
That's because Eversource is not in the supply business it's in the delivery business. That's why it charges a delivery charge. That's what Eversource does.
Switching suppliers makes absolutely zero impact to Eversource. Supply rate is a pass through - no profit.
Eversource doesn't make their own power. They get a collection from several sources and set their rate based on what they get as an average plus profits. You can switch suppliers. They encourage it, because they don't care. Switching suppliers doesn't send any message to eversource, it just saves you money. You just have to stay on top of your supplier choices and how long they're good for, or you'll find yourself with a rate hike after your agreed on rate expires and a nasty bill to follow.
It's a good move. But it won't "send a message" to Eversource. Eversource does not make a penny if profit from supply rates and does not lose a penny if you switch suppliers. With regard to supply, it is just a pass-through. All of that money goes to third-party generators.
Interesting. I’m a little confused. So what exactly are we protesting then? If Eversource doesn’t make a penny, even if you choose them as a supplier- then what’s the point of protesting a rate hike?
>I’m a little confused. So what exactly are we protesting then?
Exactly the point, there is none. Save the protests for when the delivery rates go up like 2020. They aren't allowed to make a profit on supply costs by law. (IIRC)
If you want to protest about the high supply rates right now, I suggest you look into actually who is getting the money. The owners of the big natural gas generation plants in Connecticut (PSEG, for example) must be laughing their top hats and monacles off at all the public anger at Eversource over this.
> Just a reminder to sign up and lock in 13 cents per kilowatt hour from constellation for 3 years.
Just a reminder, Constellation doesn't support Eversource customers, only CL&P.
If you want to jump, move to Direct Energy, they're offering a $0.1689 0 rate right now for 33 months, no early termination fees. It's $0.04 more expensive than the current Eversource rate, but it's still going to be $0.08 cents cheaper after January 1st rolls around.
In my calculations, my $148 supply portion of the bill today, will jump to $298 after January 1st, with the exact same kW usage (a $149 increase in the $148 bill), but moving to Direct Energy will only add $56 to my current bill.
CORRECTION: As it turns out, despite not having Eversource in the providers dropdown like all of the other electrical suppliers, if you put in a zipcode that only brings up CL&P, you can still make the switch. I just signed up as well, but let's see if this goes through. It's definitely going to confuse people who are expecting to see their provider/supplier (Eversource) listed there, and see one they don't recognize (CL&P).
Isn’t Connecticut Light & Power now Eversource?
Can you explain how to do this? I’m a dumb.
> Can you explain how to do this?
Go to EnergizeCT and compare the rates for your area/needs. From there, you can transfer your service to whomever you wish.
I usually review the rates every 3 months and switch every 4-6 months, if the rates are lower or the deals are any better.
It's become a bit more difficult with everyone hiking their prices, but there are some deals to be had.
Thank you!
I’m not sure this is true.
I just went through the Energize CT site and was able to select Constellation at $13.10 for 36 months using a promo code.
It's not. The poster was confused. CL&P is the same thing as Eversource.
Do you know the promo code ?
Found the eversource shill.
Stop spreading misinformation, you don't know what you're talking about.
This is confusing. I thought CL&P rebranded itself as Eversource. Would list constellation as a supply option if I wasn’t eligible for it?
Don’t believe this is entirely true. Like another user mentioned, I was able to sign up with Constellation, too.
CL&P does business as Eversource. Or simply put, they’re the same entity. So, you should be able to switch to Constellation as a third-party supplier.
CL&P is Eversource, or more specifically it is Eversource's regulated electric utility in Connecticut. (You'll notice that in most Eversource communications, there is fine print about CL&P "doing business as" Eversource.) Eversource also has electric utilities in MA and NH, as well as a gas utility in CT.
Bottom lime: If you are in Connecticut and get an electric bill from Eversource, it is the same entity that used to be called CL& P. You should be able to choose Constellation as your supplier.
CL&P is Eversource. They had to change their name and re-brand after their shitty response to the 08? October snowstorm outages.
Just sign up for constellation, I’m already on it.
My zip code and 9 others along the shoreline I checked are also not supported. It’s a no go for me and several thousand others.
I get that and understand. but not supporting the NY suburbs has nothing to do with the fact CL&P(Eversource) is the same company. You are either Eversource or UL.
So your comment they don’t support Eversource is inherently incorrect.
Yes you can lock in 13 cents... but this rate hike applies to the delivery charge, something you will pay regardless of making a 'switch' .. everyone is everyone's pockets. This is just a facade that people are falling for. You can save a bit but in the grand scheme of things eversource will get your money.
I’m seeing 13.79¢, is that the one?
> I’m seeing 13.79¢, is that the one?
That’s the one, use ESAVES5 promo code to make if 13.1
Perfect, thank you!
Can you elaborate on how to do this?
Just signed up, thanks for the reminder!
Everyone that I've spoke to in real life about this has gotten an email from constellation saying that there was an error setting up the account. Did anyone get this "oops! "Email? They've been closed for the long weekend.
Mine worked, and I signed up same time as other people from the old thread saying they got an error. Very weird. Try it again
I had my dad sign up Friday and it worked
I need to do this fast, does constellation cover all of CT?
I signed up at : - I put in my zip code and only had one plan option through ct light and power which is my current provider (Eversource). I did the 36 month plan at 13 cents a kilo. Sounds like I'm locking in this rate with Eversource? It could take up to two months to switch over. Has anyone else had a similar process like this when trying to lock in a 3 year rate?
thank you - I just signed up, should save me about $80 a month (when comparing to 2023 rate)
I signed up but never got my email yet. Signed up on Friday
Check spam or junk folder. That’s where mine was on gmail.
Not there but perhaps it’s because of the holidays? Might have to give a call tomorrow.
I applied this afternoon and got mine 1 hour later. Yeah give them a call.
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