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CTHistory42 OP t1_ixvdgrs wrote

Thanks for the comment, but I'm not geographically challenged. The satellite photo was intended to highlight the rural nature of The Last Green Valley, more so than its darkness. There aren't enough letters allowed in the title bar for Reddit, so I was confined in what I could convey. If you listen to the podcast ( ), you can learn more about the 700,000 acres of largely (85%) undeveloped land and all of the benefits it brings CT. To learn more about dark places in CT (including the NW corner), try this site:


0cclumency t1_ixw6aps wrote

Much of the dark spot you have circled is Rhode Island. And there are clearly two distinct dark spots in CT, not one. Idk why I would want to go to the site or listen to the podcast of a person who can’t even write a clear title.


CTHistory42 OP t1_ixwakt4 wrote

I did not draw the circle. It was a copy and paste. You're right that the circle is too broad, in that it covers parts of both eastern CT (The Last Green Valley) and RI. The purpose of the circle was not to pinpoint CT's dark spots - rather, to draw the reader's eye towards The Last Green Valley. The podcast explores TLGV in some detail, with two of its staffers. No need for you to partake in that. Doubt you would enjoy it much from the sounds of things. Happy Thanksgiving.