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2-timeloser2 t1_iwex5hz wrote

I wish. West Coast boy here. Sonic not terrible


Used-Examination1439 OP t1_iwexkq2 wrote

Lol my wife wishes there was a legit mock place that made in and out food. We lived in the west coast for a year and in and out we miss a lot!


2-timeloser2 t1_iwexzl8 wrote

Other than missing the burgers, I love Connecticut. I’ve been in 10 or 11 other states, this is hands-down the best. Welcome!


CT-hotspur17 t1_iwu268j wrote

I couldn't agree more, hope to be leaving L.A. in the near future to relocate to CT.


2-timeloser2 t1_iwuj6en wrote

I loved LA back in the 80s-90s. Went back and it’s insanely crowded


CT-hotspur17 t1_iwxd1nc wrote

Yep, it has its good points, but this is not where I want to spend the rest of my life. I really like seasons, weather and trees and well LA doesn't have so much of, the only thing I will really miss is good cheep Mexican food.


2-timeloser2 t1_iwxkw4n wrote

You will definitely miss that. I really miss that. There are literally NO decent Mexican food places for hundreds of miles. Fusion crap is all there is.


curbthemeplays t1_iwh4k6i wrote

There are sooo many better options in CT other than Sonic


2-timeloser2 t1_iwhu0yq wrote

Please list!


curbthemeplays t1_iwm1f11 wrote

I mean, there are tons of recos in this thread already.

Any locally owned burger stand is going to be better than Sonic.

But here’s some of my favorites: Dogtown (has a great In-N-Out approximation), Mr Mac’s Canteen, Merritt Canteen, Lake Zoar Drive In, Sycamore, Prime 16, Dive Bar, Louis Lunch, Fryborg, Oar & Oak, Oar & Oak Birdhouse, Rudy’s, Denmos, Tavern on State.

For chains, I think Shake Shack and Wayback are also superior.