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Last-Instruction739 t1_iwf312x wrote

Go to plan B and get a decent burger


justweazel t1_iwft42s wrote

I’ve spent more at Plan B over the years that I’d like to admit, but one of the best burgers (or dogs) I’ve had was from Riley’s in New Britain

Then there’s GoldBurgers


MikeCass84 t1_iwf6011 wrote

Yes, came here to say this. The bacon cheese is my fav burger I have ever had.


Last-Instruction739 t1_iwf84nd wrote

and it’s technically a chain restaurant!


Academic-One-9135 t1_iwgz9eq wrote

I remember going to the first one in West Hartford for their friends and family. Same with Wood and Tap. I’m so proud of those guys! The Plan B guys opened up one called Burgers, Beers and Bourbon down here in the DC area where I live now but unfortunately it closed due to the pandemic


a_w_taylor t1_iwh2kmt wrote

Beg to disagree - the ones down in Fairfield county started great and went to crap. The Fairfield one closed - not sure about the others.


fprintf t1_iwh5lu2 wrote

Not even close. Every plan b burger I’ve had has been undercooked or way overdone and the serving of fries is so minuscule. But this thread proves there is something for everyone’s taste and budget!


bramletabercrombe t1_iwg8i8j wrote

awful name. Sounds like a place women go when they are hungry and forgot to use protection the night before.
