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curbthemeplays t1_iwh4k6i wrote

There are sooo many better options in CT other than Sonic


2-timeloser2 t1_iwhu0yq wrote

Please list!


curbthemeplays t1_iwm1f11 wrote

I mean, there are tons of recos in this thread already.

Any locally owned burger stand is going to be better than Sonic.

But here’s some of my favorites: Dogtown (has a great In-N-Out approximation), Mr Mac’s Canteen, Merritt Canteen, Lake Zoar Drive In, Sycamore, Prime 16, Dive Bar, Louis Lunch, Fryborg, Oar & Oak, Oar & Oak Birdhouse, Rudy’s, Denmos, Tavern on State.

For chains, I think Shake Shack and Wayback are also superior.