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CT-hotspur17 t1_iwu268j wrote

I couldn't agree more, hope to be leaving L.A. in the near future to relocate to CT.


2-timeloser2 t1_iwuj6en wrote

I loved LA back in the 80s-90s. Went back and it’s insanely crowded


CT-hotspur17 t1_iwxd1nc wrote

Yep, it has its good points, but this is not where I want to spend the rest of my life. I really like seasons, weather and trees and well LA doesn't have so much of, the only thing I will really miss is good cheep Mexican food.


2-timeloser2 t1_iwxkw4n wrote

You will definitely miss that. I really miss that. There are literally NO decent Mexican food places for hundreds of miles. Fusion crap is all there is.