Submitted by Used-Examination1439 t3_yvkz54 in Connecticut
Sometimes we crave in and out and would be awesome if there was some burger chef that knew the ins and outs (pun intended) of making a double double etc. thank you!
Submitted by Used-Examination1439 t3_yvkz54 in Connecticut
Sometimes we crave in and out and would be awesome if there was some burger chef that knew the ins and outs (pun intended) of making a double double etc. thank you!
Lol my wife wishes there was a legit mock place that made in and out food. We lived in the west coast for a year and in and out we miss a lot!
Other than missing the burgers, I love Connecticut. I’ve been in 10 or 11 other states, this is hands-down the best. Welcome!
Johnny Rockets isn’t bad if it’s chain style burgers you’re looking for. I tried In-n-Out for the first time ever last month and thought it was quite similar to JR’s.
Jake's in Torrington is pretty good. But I've never been to in and out, so maybe there's something I'm missing.
5 Guys?
never got the in-n-out hype.
Ted's Restaurant
1046 Broad St, Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 237-6660
Or their competition
K LaMay's Steamed Cheeseburgers
690 E Main St, Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 237-8326
They are nothing like in n out except that they are unique and stand out.
Shake shack?
I also feel this way about Chick-Fil-A. Had it once, ok if I never had it again.
I wish. Was just in San Diego and had to have it twice... on a slight side note, for some reason I had never noticed until this trip that In and Out is also surprisingly good value especially considering its California. Its hard to get lunch at a Five Guys for less than $20.
Shake Shack is probably one of the closest places you're gonna get in terms of the "smashed" burger that you're thinking of. I havent had it, but heard good things about the Smash Burger chain as well.
You’re 100% right. We would both go and for less than 20 both eat!
Go to plan B and get a decent burger
What Five Guys charges for a burger and fries is robbery.
My local sonic must be real bad because it's one of the weakest burgers I've ever had
Jefferson Fry Company
Yes, came here to say this. The bacon cheese is my fav burger I have ever had.
Five Guys > In n Out #changemymind (but also, seriously, In N Out is overrated and I will die on that hill lol)
Chic-Fil-A on Sundays is the way to go IMO.
It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!
Lol wtf you spying on me?
Wayback burger is excellent, I get the classic double but you can make it however you want. Lou’s lunch in new haven is one of the most famous burger joints in the country.
Out of all the answers here wayback has been our go to so far when it comes to some kind of in and out fix !! Very good and family feel there.
Hate I'm saying this but try Mr. Beast Burger if available to you
I think in and out is way overrated. Shake Shack and Johnny Rockets are both at least as good IMO
You are correct, it judged tasted like Mcdonald’s with fresher vegetables. Yeah there’s a bunch of different “secret” menu combos you can do, but it tastes like fast food and the fries were god awful.
Edit: getting downvoted for speaking the truth. I am galileo and you are the catholic church.
I looked them up. Apparently they make an in and out style burger. And they are from Cali. Gonna have to try them out! Thanks!
Thank you, sgtpepper220, for voting on Chick-fil-A_spellbot.
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and it’s technically a chain restaurant!
Good bot
Do yourself a favor and get some of the skinny rings. I throw some right on the burger and it’s an a+ lunch
Damn I’m hungry now. Looking them up and the other suggestions in the thread as well. And I’ll def go for that !
Wayback! Worth a try 🍔
In and out stinks
Is so much better
Smashburger is also significantly better than in and out
Smash > in and out
As far as fast food chain burgers, I have in and out pretty low.
not really a small bun burger but do yourself a favor and just get goldburgers in newington
in house made fries and burgers are better. costs more but better flavors and more unique burgers. when i come back from traveling, i either get pizza or goldburgers. nothing really matches
Lived in CA most of my life.
It's the hill I'll die on, but In-N-Out is better than any fast-food burger joint I've had anywhere else, including every single one I've tried here in the state since I got here in 2020. Flew back earlier this year to conduct a concert, and had a huge lunch at In-N-Out...I practically cried tears of joy it was so good.
Five Guys is terrible--the buns ruin it completely. Shake Shake is too greasy/oily. Louis' Lunch is interesting, but I wouldn't go for it regularly.
Yes when we went back to Vegas we had in and out everyday!!!! The last day my wife cried getting it for the last time.
Every Sunday I start craving Chick-Fil-A it's crazy!!
That’s God laughing at you ;-P
I wish, in n out is fantastic. The fries are ok but the burgers are great and affordable!
It’s either you love it or are indifferent to it
Maybe you had a bad one? It’s far superior chicken to the rest of fast food, they also bread, fresh chicken every day as opposed to getting frozen fillets
It’s a great classic burger, also very cheap. Anytime I go out west the first thing I do on the way to the hotel is stop and get a burger on the way. I was asked for the fries well done and it’s always best to get a double double with spread I think last time I went was last November, and it was all of seven dollars for fries, burger, and a drink, Shake shack while they have superior ingredients in higher quality, it’s sometimes $10 alone just for the burger.
Yeah I’ll have to check all the recommended spots out anyway most of them look great. Also, dutches is awesome !
Don't compare them, Shake Shack is superior in every single way. It's not fair to In and out which is middling at best.
Fight me west coasters, your god is a lie.
5 guys is good if you're a millionaire.
I honestly feel like nobody that has commented on this has ever been to an In & Out Burger.
Five Guys has to be the closest to In & Out.
I wanted to try them but holy shit was it expensive, and you can only get it through doordash so that adds on a delivery fee and it's like $17 for one combo meal.
I agree with everything you said
I’ve spent more at Plan B over the years that I’d like to admit, but one of the best burgers (or dogs) I’ve had was from Riley’s in New Britain
Then there’s GoldBurgers
RIP BurgerFi
Engine Room in Mystic has some of the best burgers in the state. They sometimes have grass fed CT beef on the menu too, which you don’t see at enough places. Step up your local game! CT raises awesome beef.
In n Out somehow manages to take longer to serve your order, too! The amount of time I’ve wasted in that store is nuts
No, I’m from New Haven & live on the West Coast. Nothing like In & Out in CT.
that’s true, it’s also almost always a huge wait to get one
Nah it's garbage.
A burger is a burger is a burger.
Almost every smash type burger chain > in n out
Two spots that aren’t chain restaurants that meet the general criteria are White Hut in Springfield, MA and Fryborg in Orange, CT.
Bonus points for Fryborg also making hands down the best french fries in CT.
Chick-fil-A used to be a lot better. It's one of those places that expanded too quickly and quality went down.
If your local Sonic is Manchester then yes.
Which fast food chx sandwich do you like better?
aren't they closed on Sunday?
RIP? There are 120 locations open.
I recently went there for the first time in a long while and I was absolutely floored at the price for my meal.
Sycamore.... kinda?
CT locations are both permanently closed and temporarily closed and I do believe that’s the sub we’re on so I think that warrants a (temporary) RIP
They’re good, but not worth driving 80 miles for unless you’re passing one on a road trip (until Avon reopens)
Edit: My mistake, I didn’t realize Avon was temporarily closed. I will rejoice once they reopen
if you want to make your own chick fil a at home just cook a chicken patty and pour a mixture of honey molasses sugar bbq sauce and mayo then some more sugar into a bowl and pour it on top. It's amazing to me how people will wait in line to eat what is basically 2x the sugar content of mountain dew
awful name. Sounds like a place women go when they are hungry and forgot to use protection the night before.
I’ll it out thanks ! Didn’t know my thread would blow up this much. Lots of debates about burgers lmao
I don’t think any self-respecting bakery in the northeast could make a bun that bad.
Out the door you will be 2X the cost at SS - no way is it that better and in fact only the fries are better. SS quality is far from what Danny started in the early 2000’s and the menu is now appealing to the masses as they spread globally. Do one thing and do it well.
California native, you speak the truth. In N Out has always been overrated.
Yep. The win in California is access to much higher quality lettuce and tomatoes than McDonald’s in the northeast. You can’t do that here in the winter because real tomatoes that actually taste like something are expensive. You would have to charge premium prices and that’s not the In N Out formula.
I for whatever reason, was also surprised by their tomatoes. Their fries and special condiments were also good.
Goldburgers in Newington is nothing like In N Out, but they are the best burgers hands down. Just go there and but your dreary past behind you.
I remember "in and out burger " in Michigan!
You're allowed to be wrong
Everything about them is superior quality for fast food. Their customer service is always the best even though it’s a bunch of high school, kids, McDonald’s and Burger King and the rest have adults and they are way less friendly and make way more mistakes. I’ve also only had Chick-fil-A messed up my order, one time ever, and I was able to immediately get compensation for it. Whereas other companies where I’m constantly had problems it’s taken weeks to resolve.
I’d take Duchess over Inand out any day.
I moved back from from living on the west coast. I miss in n out so badly. I like shake shack, but it isn’t in n out.
Just fyi itsays fryborg is in Trumbull Edit: Trumbull not Milford
Is expensive as fuck and not that good
Yes! Go to crown fried chicken in Bridgeport on Boston avenue and ask for “jay” and explain to him that you want an in and out burger and he’ll make you the best burger ever
I was so sad when they closed the Manchester location!!!
Chick-fil-a used to be the only good chicken sandwich at a fast food restaurant but after COVID started all of the fast food chains stepped up their chicken sandwich game due to the beef shortages. You can basically get a decent chicken sandwich anywhere now.
The only reason to go to chick-fil-a are the sauces and they sell those at the store.
Hanks dairy bar in Plainfield is worth a try. It's not quite in & out style, but it's my go to for fast food burgers on this side of the state.
In & out can be done great. If you're ever in Austin, try p Terry's. It's an in & out clone that improved on the original in every way.
seconded, lived in newington 10+ years, in high school i would save my birthday money and on a really bad day id get a burger, sweet potato fries, and mac squares. life would always look a little brighter afterwards
Best comment in the R/Connecticut sub in weeks. Perhaps months.
I've never heard of Dogtown. Just looked it up online and it looks fantastic.
It’s like Whataburger in TX, the locals love it and swear by it but I’ve always found it “meh” at best.
Prime 16 is awesome
get yourself some, its divine.
dogtown has some serious digs
I’m sorry, are you saying you’ve spent weeks trying to resolve a fast-food fuckup instead of spending any of that time doing literally anything else?
Lmao I’m sorry you spent all this time making a comment no one cares about. Can you spend time doing ANYTHING else????
I’m saying I sun utter a complaint and it took them weeks to resolve. If I’m spending my money, and something so wrong, I expect the money back, or a fix.
CFA called my the next day to resolve the issue is all im saying. Superior customer service
Dog town is awesome but everything I’ve had there is so salty I’ve had to chug water for the rest of the day.
I’ll throw down. Shake shack is trash, especially their sorry excuse for fries. In n out is better than ss but if you want a really good west coast chain, you have to have Fatburger!
You speak the truth. The first time I visited the west coast, I tried In and Out because of all the hype I heard. It was an ok burger at a decent price; hardly anything worth celebrating.
Damn ted's is expensive. Is a single patty filling or do you need to get doubles? I just moved to Meriden so this looks interesting for sure.
Wayback is my burger place of choice. I will occasionally do G's burger in Naugy just because it's closer, but way back does impossible burgers and I am allergic to red meat. If you want to know where I can't eat, you will know what chains actually have better quality meat.
I've never had it so idk but you can get great burgers at Duchess.
Warwick ri has been ok
"Those are good burgers, Walter."
Goldburgers is legit. I don't eat there much because I'm trying to lose weight, but they have a solid menu, tasty burgers, and you can customize to any degree you want. The waffles fries are pretty good, too.
McDonald's is pretty close. Ask them to put the veggies on the side and stack them yourself. Same thing. 😂
I remember going to the first one in West Hartford for their friends and family. Same with Wood and Tap. I’m so proud of those guys! The Plan B guys opened up one called Burgers, Beers and Bourbon down here in the DC area where I live now but unfortunately it closed due to the pandemic
reasonable price, the burgers are good but the fries/shakes are VERY mid IMO
i like in and out but also do not understand why it's hyped up SO much
okay well now this is just wrong
CFA is easy top tier for chicken sandwiches, nuggets, and fries
agreed, very obviously a step up from like Wendys, BK, McDonalds, etc
tastes like actual food lol
i was in LA for business in late September this year and was surprised how cheap it was
like you said, around $7-9 for a double cheeseburger, cheese fries, a milkshake AND a fountain drink
meanwhile gas there is like $6.50/gal. don't know how they do it
their fries are straight garbo IMO, some of the worst i've had in fast food
burgers are good and cheap tho, agreed
I've always felt like their fries were the closest thing to cardboard I've ever tasted
I had heard they were the Swanky Franks fam…
Beg to disagree - the ones down in Fairfield county started great and went to crap. The Fairfield one closed - not sure about the others.
THIS! I’ve always felt these fast casual burger chains all smack in their own way, not one is necessarily better, they occupy different positions within their own market (I’m referring particularly to Shake Shack, Five Guys and In-n-Out)
really terrible, i thought
bland as hell
I wish we had in N out
5 guys has gone down since I was a kid, and shake shack is expensive/ not conveniently located
i like five guys but it is SO goddamn expensive i never go there
like quite literally 2-3x as expensive as in and out
Came here to say that. The Dogtown burger is excellent. In Milford, Mac’s Canteen does a great burger too.
Yes they just moved. IMO Dogtown is better.
Prime 16 > Plan B
There are sooo many better options in CT other than Sonic
Never tried it. I’ll have to check it out
Not even close. Every plan b burger I’ve had has been undercooked or way overdone and the serving of fries is so minuscule. But this thread proves there is something for everyone’s taste and budget!
But there nothing like In an out burger
But I can get 3x the burgers for the price. They occupy different spaces, shake shack is a step above fast food and the price reflects that. In n out is in the god-tier of fast food, sure it isn’t as tasty as some make it out to be but the bang for the buck is unbeatable
It was reasonable pre-pandemic.
When the pandemic hit they just decided to raise their prices 5% EVERY month.
Last time I walked in to the one in Manchester the cashier was literally standing on a ladder raising the prices on the board. They had to come down to take my order. And of course even though the new price was not completely up on the board I was charged the new higher price.
But it is way better tasting than any other burger spot nearby.
It's like they raised prices so frequently that they couldn't take care of it either before the store opened or after closing time.
Who’s that ?
It's a good decent "fast food but better" burger.
Their absolute garbage fries ruin it tough. Should be a criminal offence to do that to an innocent potato.
Try Plan B or Goldburgers like others have said.
It’s awesome !!!
CFA is for white people too scared to go into a Popeyes.
too much competition in that area. i live like 2 mins from that burgerfi and i never went there once
Their regular fries are meh but the animal style ones are 🤤
Old hot dog joint in Norwalk off 95 - I think the place is now a jerk joint.
Please list!
The Zoar Burger at Lake Zoar Drive-In is a pretty good eat
Eh, shake shack is double the price as far as I can see. I got 2 cheeseburgers, a soda, and fries for under 10 bucks at in n out. I will say in n out isn't the best tasting
it sure is an authentic in and out burger and no one can ever take that away from them!
No fucking way! I miss Swanky Frank's so much, I had my first ever hot dog there when I was a wee lad
I usually like regional foodstuffs. I'm a SW Ohio native, so grew up on and love Cincy-style chili, for instance. Always makes me grouchy when I hear people diss on my beloved local chili. But damn, Ted's has to be the most vile regional food thing I've ever tried. Steamed ground beef: as gross as it sounds!!
White Hut in West Springfield is AMAZING! Cheeseburger with fried onions…….In and out does not compare.
White Hut is so damn good.
Do yourself a favor and try a steamed cheeseburger
That’s the closest I know of. Great spot.
I mean, there are tons of recos in this thread already.
Any locally owned burger stand is going to be better than Sonic.
But here’s some of my favorites: Dogtown (has a great In-N-Out approximation), Mr Mac’s Canteen, Merritt Canteen, Lake Zoar Drive In, Sycamore, Prime 16, Dive Bar, Louis Lunch, Fryborg, Oar & Oak, Oar & Oak Birdhouse, Rudy’s, Denmos, Tavern on State.
For chains, I think Shake Shack and Wayback are also superior.
I couldn't agree more, hope to be leaving L.A. in the near future to relocate to CT.
I loved LA back in the 80s-90s. Went back and it’s insanely crowded
Imo even duchess is faster
Yep, it has its good points, but this is not where I want to spend the rest of my life. I really like seasons, weather and trees and well LA doesn't have so much of, the only thing I will really miss is good cheep Mexican food.
You will definitely miss that. I really miss that. There are literally NO decent Mexican food places for hundreds of miles. Fusion crap is all there is.
2-timeloser2 t1_iwex5hz wrote
I wish. West Coast boy here. Sonic not terrible