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thewifestah t1_j1e9990 wrote

I don’t know. They started out at 100k. They’re now at 78,113. The storm is still going on so they can’t be everywhere. They’re steadily reducing the number. I’d assume the vast majority of people will back on by tonight with some outliers that had extensive damage, needing a little longer. They always over estimate so they don’t over promise.


NecessaryPen6178 t1_j1f2auv wrote

We lost power for about five hours this morning. Fully expected to be out of power and running the generator for the day - since our neighborhood only had like 40 outages compared to other areas that had hundreds out. Pleasantly surprised how quickly it turned back on for us.


danhm t1_j1erlz8 wrote

Mine was out from around 3 am to 1 pm.


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1f2209 wrote

Mine has been out since like 7am and I don't think I'm getting it back any time soon.


ATG915 t1_j1f5oop wrote

Mines been out since 6AM and I don’t think it’ll be back on anytime soon either. There’s not even a power line down ffs


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1f6438 wrote

Feels bad, man. I think I'm going to gather my family up and head to my mom's house. Good luck to you buddy.


ATG915 t1_j1f6q9t wrote

Good luck to you too man. I have a generator so I can at least plug my fridge in and charge my phone, still sucks big time though lol


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1f6x21 wrote

Yeah i really need to buy my own house so all my food doesn't die in the fridge...


Walmart_Prices t1_j1fhyyn wrote

Bags of ice throw in the bathtub if you don’t gotta cooler put all items. ice cream on the other hand gotta eat it on one take lol


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1fljfh wrote

Haha yeah we were thinking about getting the cooler out but we just decided to head over to my mom's house for the night


danhm t1_j1f85h6 wrote

Good luck, man. Hope you have a way to make heat!


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1fb6br wrote

I may just head over to my mom's. I have a 14 month old little boy and I'm not really in a position to be waiting around for eversource considering how they handled the last major weather event....


danhm t1_j1fdnhb wrote

Smart. My parents are out of town and we were going to go to their house if the power didn't come back earlier. Especially with the single digit temps coming...


Vandersnatch182 t1_j1ff4ox wrote

Yeah, I'm about to load up my family and start packing. Appreciate the good luck wish from you. Fingers crossed my place is back up tomorrow haha