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thatquinnchick t1_j258jeo wrote

As a Jets fan, hate the Patriots, but class act by Robert Kraft


Synapse82 t1_j25fgqp wrote

This was cool stuff, was wondering what town he was from.


GunnieGraves t1_j25fqqn wrote

Did Kraft also take him to get a happy ending massage?


smithers421 t1_j25ik5s wrote

Did the Las Vegas lady ever apologize?


LaxHnl t1_j2612zd wrote

Go Pats! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ


InsaniteeBicycles t1_j264cin wrote

I work in one of Mr Kraft's paper mills. We have the distinction of being his collateral when he put in his bid to buy the Patriots. Ultimately quite successful of course , and upped his game from mere millionaire to billionaire.


CanaryUmbrella t1_j2650fw wrote

I live on the West Coast. Raiders fans are the biggest babies I've ever met. Almost up there with Jets fans.


GhostInTheSpaghetti t1_j26ca7y wrote

I’m a die hard raider living in ct. That lady was shameful. Glad this dude was recognized for how he handled himself. Really fun story to follow.


steven6868 t1_j26l3nf wrote

Icing on this cake would be hearing the Raider's fan got fired from her job - if she even had one.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j28jesi wrote

You know that every year they play a big tournament to find out who the two best teams are right, and then those two teams play each other, and that most of the time, for a while, the Patriots won their league and the bowl, basically nonstop?

I don't know. To a dispassionate observer, isn't that the best team?

Seems like you cannot be objective about this.


Paul_Thrush t1_j28lx7r wrote

Thee Robert Kraft who happily pays for sec with trafficked women?


InsaniteeBicycles t1_j28y6qw wrote

You are correct. Myra's family owned it. I've heard some different versions of the story and honestly never been interested enough to look up details, but I believe he basically organized a takeover of the mill with some investor friends and shut the old man out. Then built a new mill, with a big chunk of state incentive money to clean up the river. (We don't discharge anything there, ever, but the old plant was notoriously bad and it was known locally as the Rainbow River.) Then once running in 1994 it was used to leverage the Patriots buyout, along with other factors. In 2005 more state utility incentives came along and we built a gas turbine to power the plant. We make lots of money for them and we are a very efficient little paper mill. Your tax dollars have helped!


SentientTaco11 t1_j2c3byx wrote

Most teams would laugh at the idea of moving to Hartford, so I think it's something that they even considered moving. But I don't blame Kraft. Why move to a a place two hours from the center of your fan base when you have an option much closer? They should have built the stadium west of Worcester, about 1 hr from Boston, Providence, and Hartford. That would have made more sense.