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1mJustALurk3r OP t1_j16390g wrote

I was thinking to myself how great it would be if the buses had cameras that could record the plates of these nutjobs. Probably no budget for them.


Nutella_Zamboni t1_j168kc5 wrote

I know they have cameras INside the buses, I'll have to ask about dash cams. He actually told me a story about a student throwing a book at him while driving. He brought the bus/kid back to the school for the principal to deal with. Parents are called and they are PISSED that they had to leave work to deal with the situation. Parents try to deny their kid did it, etc until principal pulls up footage on overhead projector and its 100% obvious it's their son. Still try to say it isnt their kid, bus driver must've provoked him, etc. Best part, mic is closest to bus driver and registers nothing but their child yelling and the sound of the book hitting the driver. AND kid is ON CAMERA wearing a "----- family reunion 2022 t-shirt" only kid on the bus with that last name is theirs.


makeclimatecool t1_j173kfw wrote

School buses are not always part of the school system. A lot of them are owned and operated by private companies that bid for the opportunity. Trust me - those companies have money. They are bank rolling wedding shuttles, prom shuttles and tons of other events that need transportation.